Turtle Time

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"Louis, please? I really need one" I begged like a child.

"Channy, I don't think you need a turtle." Louis said, crossing his arms.

 "Louis, please," I said. "I really need a turtle!"

"No, but I will say good job on the pranks, they wer-," He began.

"Please LOUIS!" I cried out. "Please. Can. I. Have. A. Turtle." I paused each word for emphasis.

"Channy. Will you be responsible with it. Feed it, love it. Don't neglect it?" He asked.

"Yes, I promise." I vowed.

"I think I should ground you for the pranks you pulled," He said, out of the blue.

"No, no. No don't." I said, putting my hand in his face.

"Why not," He smirked at me.

"Cause, it's just a prank." I told him.

"I'll think about it. But for now, let's go get you a turtle." He said, getting up to fin his car keys.

"Yes! Turtles Time!" I yelled out to no one.

I ran to the door and opened it when Louis said, "Eh, Channy. Do you wanna put some clothes on first?"

I looked down and saw that I was wearing a tank top and a pair of boxer shorts. "Yeah, I think that might be a good idea," I said as I turned around and made my way to the stairs.

 I got into my room and put on the first outfit that was in my closet. I pulled out on of those shirts that have long tails on them. I also pulled out a matching skirt.

I grabbed a pair of black uggs and slipped them on. I went over to my mirror and took my hair out of it's night time bun.

I put a brush through it. I looked at my fluffy hair and decided it was just okay for a doughnut bun.

I wrapped it up and tied it with a bow.

I gave myself a final nod of approval.

I ran downstairs and met Louis at the door. "Well, that only took like twenty minutes." He rolled his eyes.

"You're lucky I didn't take forty." I replied. "Let's go get me a turtle," I said, before he could reply.

"Can I drive?" I asked.

"No," He shook his head.

I pouted, but thought about how we were going to get a turtle. I shouldn't push anything.

We arrived at the local pet store after what seemed like forever. I was so excited. I thought about the different types of turtles there were, remembering nerdy facts about their natural habitats, and how to identify the species by looking at the shell. 

When I entered the Pet Store, the aroma of wood chips and dog shampoo filled my nose. Since it was early in the morning, nobody really seemed to notice Louis. I made my way to the reptilian isle and saw snakes, lizards, and TURTLES! 

There were Box Turtles, painted turtles, and more. I looked at each kind and decided that the Russian Tortoise's were the cutest!

I flagged down Mack, one of the store workers, and told him that I wanted a Russian Tortoise. 

He nodded and caught the turtle of my selection with a net, and put it into a special carrier. I had a mini freak out and peaked at my turtle through the little plastic window. 

Mack informed me on the different foods that they eat, and the qualifications I need to take care of my little friend.

I bought some food, and a cage that the worker recommended to me. I payed for all of the stuff with my savings, and walked out the door, ignoring the fact that Louis was telling me to slow down.

"Girl, slow your booty down," He said catching up to me.

"No, look at my turtle, Lou. Isn't he cute?" I said facing him.

"What are you gong to name it?" He asked as we stepped into the car.

"I don't know, yet. I bought him three minutes ago," I told him.

"You should've been more planned out with this." He said.

"I'm sorry, I had a mini fan girl moment because I realized I wanted a turtle." I crossed me arms.

"Good idea." He said and began driving down the busy road.


"We're home!" Louis yelled as we entered the door to the house.

"Yes we are Louis. No need to yell. You're going to scare my turtle!" I said, hitting his arm.

"I heard the word turtle," Liam yelled, running into the living room. He realized he was running and stopped and begun walking.

'Don't want to slip, now do we, Liam' I thought.

"Yeah, Channy bought a turtle," Louis told him.

"Turtles are nice. Turtles are fun." I countered him.

"Enjoy Nameless the Turtle" He said, bowing sarcastically.

"Oh my God!" Liam fan girl danced, "Name it Liam!" He shouted.

"NO! Don't tell me how to care for my turtle!" I yelled back.

"I will bother you until you do!" He retaliated.

"Never," I told him, hugging the cage to my chest. 

"I heard something about a turtle?" Zayn said as he entered the living room.

"Yeah. Channy here bought a turtle, and refuses to name it Liam." Liam said, pouting.

"Just name it Liam, make him happy," Zayn said, patting his back.

"No, don't tell my turtle how to live it's life." I said.

"Well, technically. it's a Tortoise," Louis put in his two cents.

"Potato, Potata." I said.

"Just name it Liam." Harry said coming into the conversation.

"How do you now?" Zayn asked.

"I could hear you guys from my bedroom." He explained.

"I will NOT name him Liam!" I yelled. This time, instead of waiting for a reply, I ran up to my room.

I shut the door behind me and held the cage up to my face.

"Don't worry Nameless, I won't call you Liam."


Hey guys! It's Lexy here! We seriously need a name for the turtle. So, if you have a suggestion, comment on the chapter! Sorry it's been so long since me and karly posted. We've been backed up with exams. Since it's winter break, we shall post as much as we can! Thanks for reading, baii my loves <3 

Karly has come into this too!  Exams were fun. NOT! Well enjoy this turtley chapter Uniturtles!!

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