Chapter 27

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Phil took a deep breath, fixing the tie around his neck. Today was the day. 'Calm down, Phil,' he thought to himself 'Don't faint like those grooms on TV'

He was snapped away from his thoughts as music started to play in the ballroom, people standing with a smiles and some tears running down their faces.

Then, the doors opened.

Phil didn't think he'd seen anything more beautiful in his life.

Dan smiled shyly at his feet, trying his best to keep his tears from flowing with a sniffle. He couldn't believe that he and Phil were getting married. Finally! After five years!

They were both 22 now, Dan having had a massive growth spurt (To Phils annoyance) and was now taller than Phil. But, hey, he still liked being carried around by his strongman of a boyfriend/fiancé/soon to be husband.

Phil felt himself tear up, watching Dan in pure fondness as he walked down the isle. Phil wore a black suit with a white shirt and purple tie, while Dan had decided to wear the opposite. "Come on, Philly, it'll look cool" he remembered fondly.

Dan stood up at the altar, looking down at Phil. "I love you," he mouthed, Phil smiling shyly and doing the same back.

Dan, over the years, had been homeschooled by the palace tutor, as did Phil, but Dan... Dan was incredibly smart. Phil hoped he'd be a doctor someday, but either way, he knew he'd been an inspiration to their children.

Then, vows were said, as were I love you's, and kisses exchanged with cheers from the crowd of family and friends.

Unfortunately, Phils parents weren't there. They'd died about a year prior; a freak accident involving a faulty chandelier. Dan was traumatized, and Phil cried for hours on end.

However, that didn't spoil their day.

They both had fun, exchanged many kisses and hugs, clinked glasses, showed off rings, and laughed together.

That was the happiest day of their lives.


"Oliver Joseph, come back here this instant!" Phil exclaimed, chasing their five year old son down the hallway of the palace. Dan giggled, watching fondly.

Dan and Phil had decided to try for a child shortly after their wedding, Dan being able to carry children after all. They didn't know if little Oli was a vampire, werewolf, or mix of both yet. He was too young to know for sure. Dan just enjoyed watching Phil, The King of vampires, run after their son. He knew Phil could easily outrun the boy, as he figured he was doing it for fun as well

"Oh, lighten up, sweetie" Dan cooed, kissing Phils cheek as he scooped the boy up in his arms. Oliver giggled, snuggling into Dans arms.

Oliver had curly, ginger coloured hair with bright blue eyes and a deep set of dimples. He was a little bit more tanner like Dan was too, so that sort of warded them off of the suspicion their son was a little vampire.

Phil sighed before chuckling softly, kissing Dans cheek back "How about we all go watch some cartoons?"

Oli perked up with a gasp "Pleeeease, Daddy? Can we?" He begged, looking up at Dan with pout

"Of course, little one" he cooed, carrying Oliver to the lounge with Phil close to their heels.

They plopped down on the couch, sitting contently as Phil turned on the tv. Oliver made a sound of excitement, but was otherwise silent as he watched the television intently.

Soon enough, Phil watched as Oliver fell asleep in Dan's arms, his husband already having fallen asleep and leaning on Phils shoulder. He smiled fondly, kissing the tops of their heads.

Phil couldn't have been happier that he met Dan that day. He couldn't have been happier that he and Dan were blood-mates. He couldn't have been happier that they exposed Chris for what he really was (PJ was fine, after everything. He even attended their wedding). And, he definitely couldn't have been happier they got married and started their own little family together

The end

So. This is it. It's over.

I'm emotional.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed reading! I enjoys writing it!

I'd just like to take the time to thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting! You have no idea how much I appreciate it!

Now, prepare for GreekGod!Phil!

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