Chapter 17

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Dans POV

Why hasn't Phil come to help me yet? He loves me, doesn't he? Maybe I'm just overthinking things, I'm sure he'll be around shortly.

But what if he isn't?

It's my birthday tomorrow. What if...What if I end up turning down here? I could hurt people. Badly.

No, stop that, Dan! Phil will be down soon.

I sit up from my flat position and stop my inner monologue as I hear the door to the dungeon open with a click. Phils here!

No. It's not Phil.

I sigh softly as a guard walks inside to give me another tray of food. At least they feed me doe here. I offer the guard a soft smile, which he (thankfully) returned. Wow. I guess they all aren't as mean as I thought. He looks around cautiously before speaking to me quietly "Look, I know I'm not supposed to talk to you, but I have special orders from Philip Lester. He said for me to tell you that he's convinced his father to let you out, but the king has gone off on a very important business meeting until next week and has the only key. He send his deepest apologies as do I" he smiles nervously as I nod.

"Okay. Thank you..." I trail off, looking at him for his name. He smiles

"Christopher Kendall, at your service"

Hello, Phanbabies.

So, I added Chris into the story! I don't think he'll be a major character yet. Maybe I'll find a different role for him later on.

As always, tell me what you thought! And 8'000 views?! Where's an interrobang when you need one?

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