Chapter 26

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Phil collapsed next to Dan, breathing heavily as a think layer of sweat covered most of his body.

"Holy shit" Dan breathed, a blissful smile on his lips as he moved to lay on top of Phil, causing the other to chuckle quietly. "That was.... Amazing" he whispered, closing his eyes happily.

"I agree" Phil stated quietly, nuzzling into Dans curly hair as they both laid, nude, on top of their bed, Dan lazily tracing the outlines of Phils tattoos he knew so well.

"I love you," Dan said softly, looking up at the vampire with a small smile, causing Phil to smile back at him fondly.

"I love you too, you little nerd" he kissed his temple, causing Dan to giggle.

"We definitely need to do that again some time" Dan told the elder quietly, causing him to hum in agreement "Sure, I mean, it hurt at first, but then... It felt really, /really/ good" he giggled, hiding himself in the crook of Phils tattooed neck.

Phil chuckled softly, running his hands along Dan's sides "I know. I told you it would"

"Yeah, but it didn't after! You made it feel nice!"

"Because I made sure to go slow, my love"


Phil grinned, shaking his head fondly before kissing Dans temple, the younger giggling again before, as Phil had expected, drifting off to sleep

"Phil! I'm going to murder you, you ass!"

"Sorry! I warned you!"

"Yeah, but you didn't tell me that I wouldn't be able to walk the next day!"

Phil smiled fondly at Dan from the other side of the room, watching him pout as he sat on their bed "You like being carried anyway, I didn't see it as much of an issue" he stated, pulling a pair of boxers, black skinny jeans, and a black t-shirt on.

"That's true, I guess," Dan started, looking thoughtful before opening his arms "So, c'mere and carry me to breakfast!"

Phil laughed "Definitely not until you get dressed" he explained, tossing Dan some of his clothes. Dan smiled at the black, much too large t-shirt before pulling it on, smiling at how large it was before putting his own boxers on.

"Okay, Philly, I'm done!" He exclaimed happily, causing Phil to smile and walk over, picking him up. Dan giggled, wrapping his legs around Phils waist and arms around his neck. "I love youuuu!"

Phil chuckled "I love you too, nerd" he smiled, pecking Dans lips before carrying him downstairs and to the breakfast table

"Good morning, Mister Lester, Mister Howell" Greeted a bubbly blonde servant.

"Good morning, Louise!" They chirped, sitting down in their respective seats with grins plastered on their faces.

Louise looked at hem suspiciously before cracking a small smirk, both of them nodding sheepishly with shy smiles "Aww, look at you two! All grown up!" She pinched their cheeks, causing them both to chuckle

"Thanks, Lou" Phil said before eating his breakfast quietly, mostly bloody and somewhat gory things. Dan, however, are some pancakes instead.

"So, did you two..." She made vague hand gestures "Bond?" Dan and Phil both nodded shyly, Dan pulling down the collar of his shirt slightly to show two round scars, Phil smiling fondly at them before showing his own slightly different marks. "Aww, guys!" Louise exclaimed, putting a hand over her non-beating heart "you'll be the death of me someday"

Dan giggled "Lou, you're already dead"

Hi! I'm back!
I haven't much to say this time, really.... Except for this...

Is it just me or would Dark!Phil or Dark!Dan be really hot just walking down a dark hallway, knife scraping along the tattered wallpaper on the wall as they chased some unwilling victim in a storm?

Or, Vampire!Phil stalking Innocent!Dan in the dead of the night, Dan getting more and more scared as time went on?

Or, even Psycho!Dan or Psycho!Phil walking along the mental ward floor with a gun in hand, laughing along as he shot random people? (That went dark)

All to the song above? (Please tell me I'm not the only one)


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