Chapter 12

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I think these fit in nicely, Hm?

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I think these fit in nicely, Hm?

Dan's POV Still

Phil narrows his eyes, pulling me close to his side protectively. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like this side of Phil. Being all protective of me.

He suddenly looks ahead of us, glaring at a certain spot in the distance. "Don't you fucking try it, Skies" Wait. Who's 'skies?' I don't have time to think about it as Phil pulls me into an alleyway, breaking off someone's drainpipe and handing it to me. "If anyone who isn't me or anyone you do not know comes up to you, do not, I repeat, do not trust them. Do not hesitate to call me even though I will most likely be able to sense if you're in danger. And do not be afraid to use that, okay?" He points to the heavy piece of drainpipe held in my hands. "Aim for either the head or the heart, okay?" Phil looks at me, waiting an answer. Wait, was he going to leave me here all alone? "Dan?" I nod.

"Yes, Sir." He smile a bit.

"Okay, now don't be afraid to protect yourself if something happens. It's better to fight back than to just...I'm not gonna get into that." Phil stay silent for a second, obviously think about the past before he gives me a small smile. "You can choose to either stay in here or come out with me"

I mow over my options. If I stay here, I'm obviously in less danger, but Phil could slip up and die. I mean, I have no idea who this Skies dude is, but by the way Phil speaks of him, he's not very nice. I could help a bit if he decides to attack us if I go with him. What to do, what to do...

"I'll go with you" I smile up at my boyfriend and he smiles back a bit.

"Okay, but keep the drainpipe handy. This guy is sneaky." Phil tells me, pulling me into his side again as we exit the alleyway.

We walk a bit longer until we both hear a snigger from a bit ahead of us. Phil narrows his eyes, standing up straighter, and squaring his jaw. If we weren't in a possible life or death situation, it would be fucking hot. "Show yourself, you prick" Phil spats, causing the guy who I presume is the Skies dude, to snigger again.

"But, Philly, that would ruin all the fun, wouldn't it" a voice says. It's a boy. I can tell now. At least if I have to hit anybody it's not a girl.

"I don't fucking care about fun, Skies. Stop being a pussy and show yourself" Phil spats again, causing the other person to scoff, but come out of the shadows. Maybe he's scared of Phil. He smirks.

"Aww, Philly, you hate me enough not to use my first name. How adorable." I feel Phil's grip on my tighten protectively and watch as his eyes start to softly glow red. (Which is both really interesting, yet terrifying I might add)

"Fuck off, Charlie" Phil glares at this Charlie. Wait a sec. Charlie Skies? Why does that sound so familiar?


I walk past the opening of an alleyway, keeping my head down and pulling my jacket around my shivering body tighter. It was extremely cold for the fall, the coldest I've ever been through.

Unfortunately, I don't make it past the end off the alleyway as I'm grabbed by the collar, being pulling into it. I come face to face with a boy who looked to be about my age and actually looked a lot like me as well. "Keep quiet and this will take much less time, faggot" the boy whispers harshly to me, causing me to flinch.

"Who are you?"

"The name's Skies. Charlie Skies. I already know your name, so that is not a problem. But, you won't even remember that once I'm done with you" This so called Charlie whispers with a smirk, leaning down to my neck. I am not having any of that.

I bring my knees up, hitting him between the legs. He groans, very high pitched which makes me snigger a bit as he doubles over, letting me go. I push him by the shoulders, making him connect with the wall behind him. A crack can be heard around the alleyway and he slumps over, either dead or knocked out. I raise an eyebrow at how I could knock out a vampire that easily, but shrug it off, not bothering to look into any puddles at my yellow eyes.

End of flashback

Oh. I remember now. He attacked me in that alleyway last year.

I frown, glaring at him along with Phil. "Fuck off, Charlie" I spat out his name as if he's a piece of dirt. Scum. Wasted space. Charlie sniggers

"Aww, even little Danny is mad at me now." Phil looks over at me, confused.

"You know him?" I nod, not taking my eyes off him.

"Prick attacked me in an alleyway last year" I tell him and Phil frowns, turning back to the arrogant boy in front of us.

"And I enjoyed every minute of it," Charlie says with a smirk, only fuelling my anger and Phil's by the way his eyes glow brighter and his fangs come in.

"Charlie, I'll give you five seconds to get your arse out of here. One." Phil counts and Charlie stays there.

"Two" No movement other than Phil stepping closer to him.

"Three" Phil moves closer still. Charlie stays put.

"Four" Phil's directly in front of the shorter boy, glaring daggers down at him. I can see the Charlie gulp, eyes filling with fear.


"Fine! I'm going! I'm going!" Charlie puts his hands up in defeat, causing me to sigh in relief. I didn't want Phil to get into a fight. What if something happened to him?

Charlie goes to walk away, but not before turning back to us with a smirk.

"Have fun with your werewolf, Prince Philip"

Bam. Here it is.

And look how long it is! 1050 words!

I'm sooo excited for next chapter. There will be a reference so hopefully you all get it! I'll see you then, my Phanbabies.


And here's a picture of Charlie.

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