Chapter 16

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Phil's POV

I pace around the room, probably creating a large rut as I think. Planning being a better word or even going as far to say scheming. I need to get Dan out of the dungeon, his birthday is tomorrow! His 18th! Bad bad things could happen.

I sigh softly, running a hand through my hair as I sit on my newly acquired bed. What to do, what to do...

I know! I'll make prove Dan innocent! Come to think of it, I don't even know why he's in there. Does Dad hold a grudge or something?

With a heave, I stand, swiftly making my way downstairs to find my father. "Dad! I have a question!" He sighs

"If it's about Dan-"

"No..! Yes. Look, why on earth did you put him in the dungeon?"


"It's Phil"

"Phil, that's none of your business."

I whine. "Yes it is! My Blood-Mate is down in the dungeon and I don't know why! I'm scared!" The kind freezes, jaw slack as he stutters.

"D-Did you say that Dan was your...Blood-Mate?" I raise an eyebrow, but nod.  "Oh my god...Oh my god! Phil, my dear boy, do you not realize how little that happens?! We must get Daniel out immediately before both of you get hurt!"

I frown, listening To him curiously. Get hurt? I chuckle softly, shaking my head "Dad, we aren't bonded yet, hold your horses" He lets out a breath of relief.

"Good. But, we still must take him out. If he is your Blood-Mate, you are meant to be together no matter the circumstances. Even if he is a," he shivers, "werewolf"

Guess who's back. Back again. Cassie's back. Tell a friend.

Anyway, so, here's the next part of the story! I hope you're all liking it so far! If you aren't, well, why are you still reading it, mate?

Anywho, thanks for all your comments and things! I appreciate them!


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