Chapter 19

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^ Damn son, those hands 👌🏻 ^

Phil's father came back from his business trip a week later, as Chris had told Dan. If he was totally honest, that day was the happiest Phil had ever been. Other than the day Dan agreed to be his boyfriend of course.

Dan squealed quietly as he was let out of his cell by Phil's father himself, immediately latching onto his larger boyfriend with a grin.

"Philly! Oh god, it was so uncomfortable in there, I thought I was never going to be let out" he admitted quietly, nuzzling into the vampires neck as he wrapped his legs around Phils waist.

Phil chuckled quietly, holding Dan close to him as he kissed the top of his head "I knew you'd make it out sometime, Danny." He smiled softly at the smaller boy, the brunet leaning up and kissing Phil eagerly, the black haired boy kissing back with the same eagerness.

"Ahem," Phils father cleared his throat quietly "I'd hate to break up the wonderful reunion, but I think I should tell you why I put Dan down here in the first place" The boys exchanged a look before nodding, Phil carrying Dan after his father as he lead the pair to the throne room.

(Lol I was gonna end here, but nah)

The king took his place on his throne, the queen sat next to him royally.  "Philip, I'm sure you're eager to hear of why Daniel was banished, correct?" Phil nodded, Dan also nodding as Phil carried him like a toddler, the shorter boy balanced on his hip. "Well, I'm sure you remember, oh what was his name, darling?" He asked the queen who simply chuckled, shaking her head fondly.

"Charles, dear. Or, Charlie or whatever on earth he wanted to be called" he nodded

"Oh, right" he chuckled, shaking his head at his forgetfulness before continuing on. "You see, Mr.Skies-"

"Wait a second, you mean that dickhead to tried to kill Dan?!" Phil exclaimed, holding Dan closer possessively which, no matter how much he hated to admit it, Dan was quite fond of.

The king nodded "Let me finish, son. In his stay here, he was bitten by a werewolf, therefore becoming a hybrid" Dan and Phil both nodded, clearly confused as the kind continued "Well, he went... Mad. Evil, so to say. He was rude to guests, staff, and even us. Eventually, he bit another member of staff who's still currently in hospital. He banished him out of the castle the day we sent him to look for you"

"B-But, if he hurt people, why would you send him after Lio-Phil?" Dan asked innocently, eyes as big as a doe's as the king chuckled quietly

"We knew Philip was in no danger with Charles. He's much stronger than him. Probably more so than I" Phil raised his eyebrows in surprise "But, that is why I have a slight fear of your kind, Daniel. I'm scared that it'll happen again to anyone of us. I am sorry for not trusting you"

Dan smiled softly "That's okay, sir" Phil's father laughed softly

"Call me Marshall, my boy. You're family now" Dan nodded timidly with a shy smile, Phil setting Dan down and simply holding his hand as he asked

"Who was it that was bitten, Father?"

The king shook his head, becoming somber

"PJ Liguori, Philip. Christopher's partner"

Wow look at that, Cassie actually decided to update pretty quickly.

Sorry for the three am writing mistakes

So, happy late birthday Dannykins!

And also, rest in peace Christina Grimmie and all that were killed in the Orlando shooting. You will always be in our hearts.

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