Chapter 13

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Phil's POV

What. The. Hell...

Prince Philip?


What the fuck!?

I stare after Charlie, dumbfounded, curious, and just downright confused. That is, until Dan speaks up. "What?" Charlie turns around with a smirk, gesturing to me.

"Well, your not-so-little boyfriend over there is a full blown prince and you're a beta. You didn't know that?" We both shake our heads, eyebrows knit together. "Well, now you do. Have fun, kiddies!" Charlie goes to turn around, but I stop him.

"And how exactly do you know all this?" He looks at me as if it were obvious.

"Easy. I work at the palace and I attacked Dan around this time last year."

"B-But, how? My parents were killed when I was little, so who's ruling the kingdom?"

"Phil, they adopted you. They were human" I furrow my eyebrows, mouth opening and closing like a goldfish as I look between Dan and Charlie.

"I-I was adopted? But, why?" Charlie sighs, crossing his arms in annoyance.

"Your parents, the king and the queen, figured it'd be best for you to just be put into this foster home type thing until you were old enough to actually rule the kingdom. And, since your birthday has recently came and gone, you are now old enough, which is why they sent me in the first place. Believe me, if I didn't have to come, I wouldn't have." He finishes with a snarl. I nod.

"Okay, so I'm supposed to go to the palace? I don't even know where it is." Charlie sighs loudly and dramatically.

"That's why I'm here, you idiot"

"Now now, is that anything to call a prince?" I smirk, crossing my arms smugly. He grumbles.

"Ugh, fine. Sorry. Your mother, Queen Marcaline sent me specifically to show you to it."

"Can Dan come?"

"Yes, Dan can come, now come on" He turns back around and I look down at Dan, holding out my hand which he takes with a smile. I smile back at him softly before following Charlie.

"What exactly does a beta do?" Dan asks Charlie nervously. Charlie sighs, but answers anyway.

"A Beta is a werewolf, obviously. You aren't an Alpha, meaning you don't get all the control and things, but you aren't an Omega either, so you aren't completely submissive, but you can still get pregnant and things. Basically, you're a second in command to the Alpha and since Phil is the closest thing to an Alpha in the kingdom, I guess your his second in command." Dan nods slowly.

"So, you're saying that I can turn into a wolf anytime I want to? And that I'm supposed to support Phil and his ideas and things?" Charlie nods.

"Basically, yes." Dan nods again.

"Okay, then. So, when can I turn?" Charlie groans loudly, obviously tired of questions.

"The first time will be on your 18th birthday. How old are you?"

"17. 18 on the eleventh of June" Charlie nods.

"So, you'll turn then"


We walk for what seems like hours before we come up to a thick forest. Charlie turns around to us. "Just go through there. The gates are open. I'm just going to stay here a bit longer, if you know what I mean." He winks before strolling off again. I look down at Dan, squeezing his hand reassuringly and smiling at him softly. He smiles back a bit and nods, leading us inside.

We walk for a bit, exchanging few words before coming up to one of the biggest buildings ive ever seen in my entire 118 years on Earth. This must be the palace; My true home.

I take a deep breath before walking inside, still hand in hand with the cute little boy (werewolf?) I call my boyfriend. We get weird looks from most everybody in the place and I can see where they're coming from; Me, a 6'2, dark clothed, tattoo covered guy with pieces of metal spread throughout his face, holding hands with Dan, a small little boy (I'd say about 5'1-5'2) who's clothes are about as bright as the sun with a little flower crown on his head would look rather odd from anyone elses perspective.

We eventually come up to a door labeled 'Throne Room' and I knock lightly, waiting for a response. "Enter" A loud voice bellows. I gulp a bit, squeezing Dan's hand tighter, but he doesn't seem to mind much. I take a deep breath before walking into the room timidly, two pairs of red eyes staring at us. I wave shyly, smiling nervously. "Um, hi" They look at Dan and I in confusion, me specifically.

"And who might you be?" The king, my father, asks politely, but with authority.

"Philip Lester, Sir. And this is my boyfriend Dan."


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