Chapter 24

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Not gonna lie, my favourite Phil era ⬆️

Dan and Phil both become even more suspicious than they were at Chris' sentence, the werewolf narrowing his eyes at Chris. Even though he was small, he could definitely be scary. Phil learned that the hard way.

"What could be so bad for them to overhear, that you make PJ take gross looking stuff that's probably not good for his system, and make Charlie go as far as to make a werewolf, like me, bite him?" Dan quizzed, glaring at Chris, who gulped gently.

"How did you know Charlie asked him to?" Chris asked softly, Phil having a 'Eureka!' moment.

"Ha! You just admitted to it!" He exclaimed, the tiny beta in his lap looking smug; Arms cross triumphantly as Chris sputtered

"I-I..." Chris started, unable to make words come to his tongue as Phil smirked

"Now, tell us, Kendall," Phil leaned forward "What did PJ and Charlie overhear, and why was it so important for them to forget, even though Charlie clearly didn't"

Chris sighed, not making eye contact with the vampire or the werewolf across the table. "So, I have a bad habit of talking to myself," He started, a mumble of 'See? I'm not the only one, Philly' coming from Dan in he meantime. "And PJ and Charlie were walking past here while I was doing it..." He gulped, Phil frowning

"Keep going, Kendall. Dan and I aren't leaving until we get the full story" Phil huffed, Dan nodding in clear agreement

Chris sighed once more "I-I was talking to myself about this... This plan I had... I-I guess... And they overheard-"

"What did they overhear?!" Dan exclaimed in annoyance, Chris jumping a bit at Dans tone

"S-Sorry! A-and they overheard me talking to myself about, um... Taking over the throne?" Chris chuckled awkwardly.

Phils eyes turned dark, a scowl on his lips as Dan held his hand reassuringly. It was part of being Phils blood-mate; Dan could always sense when Phil was in trouble, angry, or scared. "You planned on what?" Phil sneered lowly, his red eyes narrowed at Chris.

"Shh, Philly, calm down" Dan whispered, turning in Phils lap to hug him, a soft, rumbling sound coming from his chest. Since Dan turned, it was the sound he made when content, or when he was trying to calm Phil down. It usually worked.

"You're lucky Dans here" Phil snapped, Chris cowering in his seat with a soft whimper. "Now keep going" The punk demanded, earning a quiet 'Y-Yes, Sir' from the vampire across from him.

"S-So, my plan was to, once you came back from wherever you were, to drug you?" He chuckled awkwardly again, steam practically pouring from Phils ears as Dan tried his best to comfort his livid boyfriend. "Yeah... Um... A-And then, the drug Id use w-would make your powers stronger than they already are, b-but you'd have to listen to me..." Chris finished

Phil sat there far too calmly for the situation, Dan hugging him tightly as he rested his head on his chest. "You're fired" Phil stated calmly, earning a scared shudder from both Chris and Dan. "Not only are you fired, Christopher," Phil started, using care to set Dan off to the side before standing, walking over to Chris calmly. 

Phil towered over the other, the still sitting boy looking up at Phil with a gulp "But you, Christopher, are sentenced to death" he finished, a smirk coming to his lips "And you know the only way to kill a vampire is?"

Chris gulped, trembling madly in his seat "B-By guillotine"

"Good job" Phil praised, picking Chris up by the collar and taking him outside. "Coming, love?" He asked, smiling genuinely sweetly over at Dan. The boy nodded, skittering behind his boyfriend as Chris whimpered.

After a bit of walking, they made it to the dungeon, Phil literally throwing Chris into the same cell Dan had been in weeks before

"I-I'm sorry!" Chris exclaimed

"Sorry doesn't cut it" Phil snapped, shutting and locking the cell before picking Dan up. The pastel boy had expressed his love for being carried by Phil a few weeks ago, and Phil could say he liked carrying Dan just as much as the brunet enjoying being carried.

"I'll send father down after I tell him what you did" Phil sneered, glaring at Chris with red eyes as the prisoner burst out crying. Both Phil and Dan ignored him, walking back up to their room.

Wow, look how quickly I updated, yay me.

And this is over 700 words, holy crap, I think this is the second longest chapter in here!

Salut, ma Phanbabies


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