Chapter 5

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Author's note-Okay, Dan, what even is that sweater?

"What?" I ask, looking at Dan, obviously confused. He blushes deeply and look down at the table, smiling slightly and speaking quietly.

"I said, it makes you even hotter than you already are"

I smile automatically. Dan thinks I'm hot? And it make me even hotter that I'm a vampire? Well, that went better than I thought it would.

"Aww, thank you, Dan. You're pretty
cute." I wink at him and he blushes. "Even cuter when you blush" He blushes darker. Hm, he really is cute when he blushes.

"Phiiil, stop that!" He whines, which causes me to giggle.

"But, it's fun teasing you!"

"Well, it's not fun for me!"

I smile even more and chuckle. "Okay, okay, I'll stop." He breaths a sigh of relief. He must not be able to take compliments that well.


We rant on about what our favourites are for the rest of lunch. I learned that Dan is basically my twin, interest wise. He likes all the same bands as I do, which I'd never guess by his appearance. Never judge a book by its cover, right? He likes the same shows as me too, even though he says American Horror Story creeps him out a bit.

Soon, the bell rings signalling the end of lunch.  I stand up.

"Well, I guess we'd best get going, yeah? Don't want to be late." He nods and stands up as well and oh my god, he's so little! He's got to be up to my shoulders at the very most. It's so adorable! Dan looks up at me, a little bit amazed.

"Wow, tall!" He exclaims. I giggle a bit and ruffle his hair.

"You are adorable." He blushes and giggles.

"Aww, Phil." I smile and the late bell rings. I grab Dan's hand gently and pull him along with me as I rush off to class.

Another Author's Note- So, okay, this hasn't been updated in a while so I'm sorry about that and I was wondering about your opinion on something; should Phil end up turning Dan into a vampire or should their be a major fight scene instead? Comment which one.

P.S. Sorry this chapter is short.

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