Chapter 11

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Dan's POV Three Weeks Later

Being Phil's boyfriend is the absolute best thing ever. I admit it.

He always tells me that he loves me and I, him. He holds my hand under the desk in class (which is the most adorable thing in the world), he gives me kisses whenever we have to go our separate ways for different classes, and he always gives me big bear hugs if in scared or uncomfortable. He's the literal best boyfriend ever!

Today, he told me that I can come over! I actually get to see the inside of his house! Oh god, I sound like a fangirl, but I don't care. He's my boyfriend, I'm allowed to fangirl over him. I wonder what kind of house he lives in? A small one? A big one? Or maybe he just lives in a flat? Anyway, Phil seems like the kind of person to live in a spotless place; not one thing out of place. Seriously, he freaks out if I set my shoes on the table. Maybe that's a superstition thing, but mate. It's a pair of shoes.

Anyway, as soon as schools out, I find Phil waiting for me at the front gates, causing me to smile enormously. I run to him, jumping and latching onto him, my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. I giggle and he chuckles, wrapping his strong arms around me. "Well, good afternoon to you too," He says, smile evident in his voice. I smile as well, hopping off of him.

"So, im finally going to see your house," I ask him. He smiles, nodding and taking my hand in his.

"Mhmm. It's a little messy. I hope it doesn't put you off any." He chews on his lip ring, obviously nervous. I smile, leaning on him.

"It's okay, Philly. It certainly couldn't be worse than my room at home." I chuckle, as does Phil, as he leads me to his house.

Soon after we began, Phil stops, furrowing his eyebrows and looking around. I look around as well, seeing nothing. I turn to him. "Philly? What's wrong?" He doesn't look at me as he answers.

"Someone, or something, is watching us..."

A/N- Bam! Drama! I found that song in the midst of writing this chapter and it fit so well, I added it in.

Plus, look at their hands! Dan's got some, uh, nice hands. Yeah. That's it.

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