Not an update (Tag!) (Update:04/08/18)

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Favourite song: Dr.Feelgood by Motley Crüe, Teenagers by My Chemical Romance, and Judas by Lady GaGa (wow, random last one)

Favourite sport: I'd have to say swimming

Favourite Band: Panic!, Muse, MCR, Fall Out Boy, and I'm getting into Evanescence a bit

Favourite show: Oh, definitely The Big Bang Theory. Then Sherlock

Favourite movie: Oh, I'd have to say either X-Men First Class, or X-Men Origins: Wolverine. (Troye Sivan's in that last one!)

Favourite Colour: BLACK

Favourite food: Garlic fingers or frenchy fries

Favourite drink: Chocolate milk or Pepsi Next

Favourite video game: FNAF or Undertale.


That's all I've got. And if you've done it already, you don't have to do it again

Also, have some criminal Phan (It's amaaaaaazing)


Update- 04/08/18
Okay, but why was I so cringe writing this? Let's give a little bit of an update on this for recognition of growth lmao.

Favourite song: Body by Mother Mother, Pony Boy by SOPHIE, and/or Hot Mess by Girli

Favourite Sport: lmao still swimming.

Favourite Band: Mother Mother, Perfume Genius (thanks dan yEet), and/or Panic! because I'm still emo on the inside

Favourite Show: Bob's Burgers and The Office hands down.

Favourite Movie: X-Men Apocalypse because I'm still a die hard X-Men fan yEet, but I also saw Love, Simon and sobbed, so that's here too.

Favourite Colour: Still black, but yellow (please don't reference what I know you're thinking :( ) is coming into my life a little more as well.

Favourite Food: Mozza sticks mM

Favourite Drink: Probably black liquorice milkshakes now tbh.

Favourite Video Game: My dudes, I literally lied the first time, my favourite video game is and always will be Mario Kart Wii.

Well, ur welcome, my guys/girls/neutral pals.

(Lmao I'm desperate for comments can you tell)

(Please Tell me what to write about next here tho please I'm begging you for inspiration)


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