"Have you got a concert tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah are you coming?" Niall asked coming to sit in Lottie's now empty spot.

"Yeah!" I said.

"Yay I like it when you come!" Niall cheered.

"Where's Zayn?" Eleanor asked.

"He's talking to Perrie on the phone," Louis answered.

"We have a photo shoot in about 10 minutes!! We are going to be late!" Liam yelled and all the boys quickly stood up and went to get ready except from Harry who got up slowly an slowly shuffled out the room his eyes still glued to his phone.

"I was left with the girls with the exception of Lottie, Taylor and Perrie. Taylor was with her 'friend' that she goes and sees quite often now and spends more time with them than Harry.

"Something happened between Lottie and Harry between when they came back from Dani's aunts house and this morning when they came in with bags under their eyes and looking very tired which make me think if was last night rather than this morning as it looks as if they had been up all night stressing over something," I told everyone.

"You'd make a good detective," Shannon said.

"Thanks but what could possibly happen to make them like this?" I told them.

"They had sex?" Eleanor suggested.

"Somehow I don't think so!" I said.

"They kissed?" Shannon suggested.

"That is a possibility," I answered.

"They had an argument over Taylor?" Jessie suggested.

"That's another possibility," I said.

*2 hours later*

We had been for the photoshoot and now we are at the arena where the concert is. The concert is starting in about half an hour and the boys are just getting ready and Olly is just practicing some songs that he is going to sing.

Lottie's POV

I have been trying to avoid Harry all day and so far it's working I am just not looking forward to tonight when we have to share the same hotel apartment thingy.

Olly just went on stage and started singing heart skips a beat. Soon he introduced One Direction and came running off and to Shannon.

"You're all sweaty!" Shannon said running away but he managed to grab her by her waist and pull her back into him. They connected lips. I wish I had a relationship like that they both look so happy. The rest of the girls are so lucky they have found someone who they like and likes them back. I however had to like someone who's in a relationship with my sister and I went and kissed him and ruined our friendship! That's right I like

Harry Styles

Harry's POV

I tried to act normal in the concert but I couldn't keep the kiss out my head. The feelings the emotion the everything. All the boys had found someone they like well Louis and Zayn love but then I have to fall for my girlfriend's sister and she doesn't even like  

me back! Kissing her was the most stupidest thing I have done. I ruined our friendship it's just really awkward now between us and I think everyone has noticed I don't think you have to be a detective to work out that something went on between us. But hopefully they have to be a freaking detective to work out that we kissed!

Eleanor's POV

Lorna is a freaking detective!! I mean how else would she figure out that it was last night before they went back to sleep!! Next time I go out on a detective mission I am taking Lorna instead of Louis. Louis is so noisy I mean when we were with Dani he was always saying stuff out loud and I had to cover his mouth and then he fell out the bush!! I think Lorna is a secret professional detective! I need to go and find out that the rest can find out what's going on between Lottie and Harry. Lorna will find another clue about Lottie and Harry. I am going to call my plan DETECTIVE LORNA!!

My Sister, Taylor Swiftحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن