Together as One ~ Chapters 12(2) - 17

Start from the beginning

“Mom… I know what you’re thinking… but no…”

I smiled a little, “Please Dew I’ll make Ruri and Sky stay too… a blind wolf is not one to be in battle…” I said, looking at her then back out to the pack.

Dew sighed, “Fine…” 

I grinned, “Thanks… You’re my little angel!!” I licked her cheek.

“Gross mom!!” She said, with a smile on her face. She picked up her paw and began whipping off her cheek. I laughed and so did Bell…

I looked over at Ghost, who was standing beside Swift, obviously telling her to go get the other three and bring them back here… It was time to prepare for battle… a battle to free our pack from the hands of merciless wolves…

Chapter Fifteen – Battle 

As we walked through the trees the anxiety started to build. I had left Dew, Ruri, and Sky behind, to fend for the pups, and quite a few times Ghost had tried to get me to stay too, but I wouldn’t allow it… I had a score to settle with a very annoying wolf.

I walked beside Ghost, like I had done in every other battle I had been in, but it was very different this time… this time, I was one of the two wolves in the lead. I looked over at Ghost and gave him a small smile, before stepping out of the tree line onto the border.

Apparently Hex had gotten the news that we were coming, because she had her wolves lined up on the other side, we were ready… and so was she…

Hex grinned, “Hello there!!” she called.

I narrowed my eyebrows, keeping my mouth shut, like Ghost had asked me to do, “Good morning Hex…” Ghost said, politely. I wondered how he could be so calm at a time like this, I would never be able to be that calm, “Duck and I have noticed some very non-tolerable behavior from your pack and we would like to request that you stop…” He said, still calm as ever.

Hex laughed, “No… I’m afraid that request can’t be granted…” Then Hex looked to me, “My, my Ghost have you finally put a muzzle on that ill tempered mate of yours…?”

I lurched forward, but Ghost caught my eye, so I froze, I knew what Hex was trying to do, but I couldn’t help it she was pissing me off, “I’ll gladly say no…” I looked up at Ghost and raised an eyebrow, I wasn’t quite sure if what he had said was a compliment or not, but it didn’t really matter…

Hex laughed, “So you’re finally getting the picture…” She paused a smirk crossing her lips, “ Hey Duck… You do know why he wants to keep your mouth shut… right?” 

I stayed silent, she was starting to anger me to the point of shaking. Ghost obviously noticed this, because he stepped closer to me.

“It’s because… Well you see males can only stand a certain female for a short amount of time, before he starts to get tired of her.”

I clenched my teeth together hard, and forced out a smile, Ghost nudged me, the signal for me, “You see Hex… There is something that proves you wrong… He is standing beside me… after about three years of life…” 

Hex frowned, her plain had obviously failed, but mine… was just beginning.

I smiled menacingly, “You see Hex… there is one thing that I enjoyed more than anything in my second year of life… You want to know what that was…?” 

Hex growled, “What…?!”

I grinned wildly, “Tearing out your mother’s throat…” 

Hex hissed at me, taking two steps forward. But then it seemed as if something clicked inside her head, “Echo… Bring out the hostage…”

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