As a Shining Star - Chapters 12 - 17

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Chapter Twelve – Happy Times, Never Last Forever…

When I walked back into the camp, all happy and bouncy; while playing with Soul, every wolf in the clearing looked up and awed at the site. We both just laughed and continued over to Ghost, Rose, and Moon. “Hey there guys!” I said walking over to Ghost and nuzzling his neck as I lay down beside him. “Miss me?” I asked.

He laughed, “Which you are you referring to? The real you or the happy bouncy you?”

“Both…” I said looking at him.

He opened his mouth to reply, but Rose beat him to it, “Of course!!”

I laughed and soon everyone joined in, but little did we know… that our happy times were going to be fading soon…

It had been at least two weeks since I had regained my happiness… but I had lost it shortly after when I started fighting with Rose…

It had all started when Rose had originally told me that she would go hunting with me, and then minutes later, she walked out the camp entrance with Moon. At the time it didn’t bother me, because Ghost had asked me earlier and I had forgotten.

But now both Rose and Moon were driving me nuts. As I lay beside Ghost munching on my part of the pack’s kill we had just brought down, Moon came up to Rose, “You want to go and sit over there?” Moon asked. Rose nodded eagerly.

I growled, making the both turn their heads towards me, Ghost on the other hand, already knew what was coming, “Duck are you ok?” Rose asked a little stunned.

“I don’t know are you and that thing ok?!” I asked my voice rising with each word, growing more intense. “Or are you both to cool to sit here with us?” I asked motioning to Ghost and myself.

Moon looked at me funny, “Duck are you ok…?”

This blew my top, “DO I LOOK OK TO YOU?!” I paused, “I FEEL FINE!! STOP ASKING ME IF I’M THE ONE OK!!!” I paused standing up and rounding on Rose, “YOU SHOULD LEARN HOW TO PUT YOUR FRIENDS BEFORE YOUR CRUSH!”

Rose watched me horror in her eyes, I had just said something that I wasn’t supposed to have said with Moon standing right next to her, “Duck… if that’s how you felt why didn’t you say anything?” Rose asked.

“Oh… I don’t know maybe because you two are never away from each other, so I can’t have a decent, conversation with either of you!” I growled, by this time every wolf surrounding us was watching, some nodding their heads with each word I said, some with Rose’s, some just watching awed, and a few had no idea what was going on.


“I’m not a wolf to prone to wolves yelling in my face… the only wolf ill take stuff like that from is him.” I said spitting in Rose’s face, while pointing to Ghost with my tail.

“You should watch your mouth if you are going to start talking about being with your “crush” all the time!” Rose said, backing off a little.

I growled, “You’ve got NO right… and I mean NO to go there… I’ve known Ghost longer than I have you, and I’m not afraid to say that I like Ghost.” Just to point it out I yelled, “Hey you guys, guess what?! I LOVE Ghost!!”

Ghost’s head shot up and I could tell he wasn’t too pleased with me announcing this to the pack, before it was clearly said to him, “Love you too, Duck.” He mumbled.

Both he and Moon had obviously seen this coming, because neither one of them really took part in it, “Well then if you LOVE him sooo much why don’t you guys become mates?!” Rose asked, growling.

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