As a Shining Star - Chapters 6 - 11

Start from the beginning

“That’d be wonderful!” Sef said smiling at me before she turned and walked away.

“Ghost we…” Rose began, motioning towards Moon and herself, “Will majorly hurt you if you ever hurt Duck, unless she says otherwise. That’s all we have to say.” 

Rose turned around and walked off, and moon followed with a shrug to his shoulders.

Ghost and I both broke out laughing, life was getting better, but how long would that last…?

Chapter Seven – Missing One…

(( Author's Note: Kilyla = key-lie-la ))

I was sitting in the middle of the clearing, with Ghost lying beside me, pointing out each pack member that was sitting in the clearing, “That over there is Frodo…” I said pointing to the brown and white wolf, “he is a scout and has a very laid back attitude. That is Sef, who you’ve already met… And that beside her is her mate Blue.” I said this with so much force and hostility that Ghost looked up at me.

“What did Blue do to get on your bad side?” He asked sitting up.

“It’s not what he did… It’s where he’s from.” I said forcefully.

Ghost laughed, “You sure can hold a grudge Duck.”

“Ha-ha very funny…”

“Who is that?” Ghost said, pointing to a black wolf, with his tail, while lying back down.

“That is Steel… She isn’t really a member of the pack, more of a loner that helps us out…” I paused watching her, “ But she is really nice and knows the secrets of her trade well.

“And what is her trade exactly?” Ghost asked.

“She is sort of a Medicine Wolf…” I said looking down at him.

“And that one?” Ghost asked pointing to a brownish, grey female.

“That’s Ariant… She is Lyanti’s mate, she is expecting pups, but she is a pain in the tail!” I said scowling.

Ghost laughed, “You sure…” But he was cut off by a loud scream from the alpha’s den.

We both jumped to our paws and raced up the slope to the den, “What’s going on?!” I said as we burst through the den’s entrance.

“Duck! Ghost! Please find her please!” Shayla said half crying half whining.

“Who?” Ghost said, scowling as he laid eyes on Shadow who was looking for the scent of something.

“Our pup… Kilyla…” Shadow said looking up.

“Ok… What direction did she head off in?” I asked.

Shadow nosed around a little more, “She went out of the den, to the right through a break in the bushes, and into the forest…”

“Ok then we’ll be off… Come on Ghost.” I said slipping out the den entrance.

Shadow appeared in the entrance as Ghost’s tail followed him out, “Will you be ok on your own? Or do you need Rose and Moon?”

I looked to Ghost and he turned to Shadow, “Duck and I’ll be fine; she’s got a great nose and me….” I cut him off.

“A good sense of direction.” I said smiling.

Shadow smiled, “Thanks, guys…” and he disappeared back into the den, to comfort a very static Shayla.

I laughed, “Come on.” I slipped through the break that Kilyla had gone through.

“Umm… Duck I can’t fit through here.” Ghost said peering through the break of the bushes. 

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