As a Shining Star - Chapters 6 - 11

Start from the beginning

Chapter Six – Into the Pack

As I stood beside Ghost while he was questioned by Shadow, and while every one of the pack members had their eyes wearily on him, I was about ready to burst, I had never been so happy in my whole entire life. He was standing here beside me joining the very pack that I was in!! 

“Why do you want to join this pack?” Shadow asked.

Ghost pondered over this question, “Doesn’t matter to you…” Was his answer.

All of the wolves in the clearing started growling, but Ghost stood his ground and Shadow was obviously expecting an answer like that, “Ok… So let’s put it this way, Are you just joining the pack because of that she-wolf standing beside you?!” 

Both Ghost and I growled and Shadow, “Thank you very much Shadow but I don’t personally like being called “that”!” I growled.

“Yea, and if you call her “that” again I’ll have your head on a silver platter.” Ghost said growling and stepping forward.

All of the wolves in the pack stepped closer to us, “Back off!” Shadow said, every wolf back away except for Rose, she came into the center of the circle and sat beside me.

As Ghost was questioned further, Rose talked to me, “You really like him don’t you…” She said, it was more of a comment than a question.

I laughed, “I sure do.”

“I think he is weird.” Rose said.

My head turned back to Shadow as he gave a question to me, “Duck I’m going to let you chose this one… Do you trust this wolf?”

I was a little taken aback I was very surprised that Shadow was giving me the decision of letting a wolf into the pack, “Of course I do.”

“With your life?” Shadow asked.

“My life and even more.” I said looking over to Ghost, I was none to surprised to see him watching me closely as if looking for a fault in my words.

“Very well… Then Ghost on Duck’s behalf you are welcomed into this pack…” As Shadow descended from the rock that jutted out from the entrance of his den, I heard him say, “But only because of her.”

I looked at Ghost ignoring Shadow’s rude comment, “Welcome to the Pack!” I said rushing up to him and licking his cheek.

“Thanks Duck.” He said licking mine in return.

AI turned around as I heard footsteps behind me, it was Rose and Moon, along with a small, sliver female, that I had never really met before, but I had seen her around camp, I knew that her name was Sef and that she was Shayla’s sister and also the Beta Female of the pack, but that was all.

“Hello there Duck.” Rose said.

“Ghost I want you to met, Rose, Moon, and Sef.” I said pointing to each wolf in turn.

“Hello…” Ghost said, none too happy to be surrounded by so many wolves. 

“Hello Ghost, Duck. I was just wondering which rank both of you would like to be. I’m sorry Duck for never getting around to you, before now.” Sef said.

I laughed, “No harm, no foul.” Ghost just grunted.

I looked to him, “What are you planning on being?” 

“I told her I would watch you, so whatever you are going to be.” Ghost said, replying instantly.

I gave him a long stare then turned to Sef, “How about warriors…?” 

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