Ball Is In My Court - Chapter Fifty-Five

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Mia's POV.

I'm seventeen weeks into my pregnancy, I have not seen Luke in two weeks, the baby is using me as a punching bag and I'm two minutes away from telling my parents they are going to be grandparents.

I'm panicking. I haven't spoken to them in eight months and the first thing I'm going to tell them is that I'm pregnant. It probably won't end too well. I can almost imagine them putting the phone down on me as soon as I tell them, or telling me how stupid I am.

Basically, I'm not really expecting them to be supportive of my circumstances.

"Mia, you need to tell them. It's now or never." Michael sighed in exasperation.

I had invited Michael over about an hour ago for moral support, but I have been procrastinating calling them. I know it needs to be done but it's so difficult to just blurt something like this out. It's not like I'm only calling them to get money, or to tell them I need to come back home because none of that is going to happen. I just wanted them to know that they are about to be grandparents for the first time.

"I know, I just don't know how to say it." I looked at Michael expectantly, hoping he will be able to offer me some good advice on how to handle this.

I mean, do I just blurt it out or do I ask them how they've been and give them room to criticise me for not contacting them before? What if they don't even answer the phone? Will they even want to hear from their disappointment of a daughter?

"Just tell them you have something really important you need to talk to them about and then just say it." Michael shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. I felt like slapping him because he had no idea how hard this was.

Luckily, Michael was saved from me when my dorm room door cracked open and Casey popped his head around the corner. I glared at Michael because I knew he had invited him over and I wasn't really feeling up to seeing anyone at the moment, other than Michael.

"Sorry, am I interrupting?" Casey frowned when he saw the look on my face.

"Of course not, babe. Mia is just stressing about telling her parents." Michael rushed over to Casey and grabbed him roughly by his hand and pulling him to sit on Whitney's bed with him.

"Ah, I see why you're moody then." Casey nodded and in returned I glared at him harder that I was already glaring at Michael.

"If you two are going to be no help, then I suggest you leave. I invited you over to help, Michael, not cuddle up with your boyfriend." I sulked, crossing my arms over my chest.

Michael sighed and stood up so he could sit next to me. "I'm sorry, Mimo. We're here to help anyway we can."

"I don't think I can do it." I placed my phone back down on the bedside table. "I'll just do it another day, I already know what they're going to say."

They aren't going to care about being grandparents so why don't I just wait till I'm feeling ready. It doesn't matter if I'm five months or seven months, right?

"No, I think you should do it now. If you think about it, it could go one of two ways. They could be excited that you're pregnant and want to be a part of the baby's life and if that's the case then they won't want to be told when you're almost ready to give birth. Or they could be unhappy about it and not want anything to do with the baby; in that case, at least you gave them the opportunity to be there." Casey explained.

In that moment, I was so thankful that Michal had actually invited Casey around because he has helped me more that Michael has today. I have been asking for Michael's advice for the past hour and nothing he has said has been helpful, but Casey had been here for not even five minutes and has helped more that he might think.

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