Scared - Chapter Forty-Five

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Mia's POV.

This was it.

This was going to be the make or break of Luke and I. If he told me that he loved me too, like I hope he will, then I could see us having a future. But if he doesn't, then I know that whatever Luke and I had was nothing and we need to go back to being nothing more than friends.

I managed to get the next flight out to San Francisco, which was at 11:45 the day after I told Michael I was going to San Francisco and four days after finding out Luke left, but it was the best I could do on such short notice. It was a ten hour flight so I wouldn't even get there until the afternoon the next day, but I was willing to take what I could get.

I sighed in relief when I stepped off the plane, thankful to have a bit of fresh air in my lungs. The whole plane ride, I was constantly fidgeting in my seat and looking out the window to see if we were any closer to dry land yet. I was anxious to see Luke because I didn't know what his reaction was going to be.

I was about to turn up at the front door of his family home, demanding that he tell me what he feels about me. In hind's sight, it probably wasn't a good thing to be doing. It was rushed and unplanned and it could end seriously bad. And by bad, I mean me being heartbroken.

I dragged my feet to the conveyer belt and searched for my suitcase. I didn't manage to get much sleep on the trip over here because there was a kid on the seat behind me that kept on screaming because they had ear ache.

Once I'd lugged my bag off of the conveyer belt, I proceeded to the automatic doors to call a taxi. Luckily, there were many taxi's already waiting outside so I quickly hopped into the nearest one.

I wonder what Luke is going to say when he sees me? In every way possible, I wanted Luke to wrap his arms around me and tell me how much he loved me, but on some level, I knew that was never going to happen. We need to talk about everything before Luke will even be willing to tell me exactly what he feels towards me.

Michael had given me the address of Luke's Aunties house before I left. Michael said he had been there about a million times with Luke when he used to visit his siblings and knew exactly where it was.

After my twenty minute car journey, I finally arrived at the address Michael gave me.

The house was a lot bigger than expected it to be. It was three stories high with beige coloured walls with a corner of grey brick surrounding a section of the house and a huge dark brown front door. There was a tree in the front garden that cast a slight shadow on the house, surrounded by green shrubbery. If you looked closely enough, you could see the lake that was in the back garden.

It was literally like the dream house to raise your family. I can see why Luke was happy for Lilo and Liam to be spending their life here. I just hope Luke's Auntie and uncle are as pleasant as their house, although I'm sure that Luke would make sure to leave his little brother and sister in safe hands.

I pulled my suitcase with me towards the front door, nervous to think what might happen when Luke sees me. There were no cars in the driveway, apart from Luke's, so I'm hoping that we will be alone so we can have a conversation about everything.

I continuously rubbed my palms against my skinny jeans, trying to rid them of their sweat. I'm so fucking nervous. There is such a strong possibility that Luke will completely shoot me down and tell me to fuck off. That's what I'm most worried about.

I shakily raised my hand to the door and gave it a good three hard knocks. I'm some ways, I hope Luke wouldn't answer so I wouldn't have to endure the rejection, but mostly I want him to answer and realise how much he actually loves me too.

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