Leave - Chapter Fifty-Two

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Mia's POV.

Luke and I made our way out to the waiting room where we saw all of our friends waiting there nervously to know what happened. Michael was pacing the room, Calum was biting his nails, Ashton was staring blankly at the wall and Carly was looking bored while flipping through a magazine.

When they heard us enter the room, everyone's heads shot up, Michael, Calum and Ashton rushing towards us.

"Is everything okay?"

"How's the baby?"

"What did the midwife say?"

They bombarded me with questions as soon as they reached me but all I could do was plaster a massive grin on my face and hold the scan photo of my beautiful baby. Now that everyone knew about me being pregnant, I couldn't wait to tell the rest of the world. I wonder how my parents are going to react.

"Does that smile mean everything is okay?" Michael beamed, already starting to show his excitement.

I nodded my head rapidly, jumping into Michael's open arms. Not two seconds later, I felt Ashton and Calum's arms wrap around the both of us into a group hug. That was all it took for the happy tears to start trickling down my face.

"Congratulations, Mia. I know you're going to make a great mom." Ashton reassured me. I really hope he was right.

I've never had this much responsibility thrown at me before, but I am so ready for it. There is a little person growing inside of me who is going to be dependent on my for the next eighteen years and I couldn't be more scared, yet excited. I'm going to do my very best for this baby.

"I'm so happy." I sobbed into Michael's chest.

Right when I thought my mood couldn't be dampened, Calum asked me the one question I wasn't sure I could answer. At least not yet. "So, who's the father?"

I pulled away from the hug, staring wide eyed at Calum for a couple seconds before looking to Michael for help. I didn't want to just blurt out that it was Luke, in case Luke didn't want me to tell them, but I also didn't want to lie and make everything worse.

"Cal, maybe we should let Mia talk to the dad before we bombard her with questions, yeah?" Michael answered for me. I breathed a sigh of relief as my eyes flitted across the room to Luke.

He was sitting next to Carly, staring absentmindedly at the magazine she was reading; while she pointed out things she wanted him to see. He didn't seem like he was very interested, but he still stuck with her instead of joining in on the celebration.

"Lets go to the pub or something and have celebratory drinks. Well, not Mia obviously." Ashton giggled.

"You guys go ahead, I wanna go and see the father first and sort all this out." I nodded. In my peripheral vision, I saw Luke's head snap towards me.

"Okay, we'll meet you at the pub just round the corner from the cafe. Now, come on, we'll drop you back to your dorm so you can have your little talk." Michael said, grabbing my hand and practically dragging me out of the hospital.

The drive back to my dorm was filled with me playing different scenarios in my head of how my conversation with Luke is going to go down. Is he going to be happy? Is he going to be angry? Is he going to want the baby? Is he going to say he will stay with me through this? Will he leave me to experience this on my own? Who am I kidding, of course he will.

He left me when I told him I love him. So what makes me think he's going to stay for a baby? Someone who is going to be dependent on him 24/7. Someone who is going to love him way more than I do. Someone who he will have to be a role model to. Will he ever want that?

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