The End - Part One

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Mia's POV.

Make or break.

The butterflies were fluttering around like crazy in my stomach, making me feel slightly queasy and my palms were sweating as I rested them on my now huge baby bump. I was starting to feel faint with the heat in the room and nothing I could do was cooling me down so I was starting to get a bit antsy.

The music was loud and I could feel my heart pounding to the beat of the bass, which only made me even more nervous. The place was crowded with people, shoving to get to the front and bumping into each other, which only caused me to hold my bump tighter, trying to protect the baby.

I kept on looking all around me but there was still no sign of Luke and I was so scared that he wasn't even going to show up and I was going to have to attempt to get over him. The key word in that sentence was 'attempt' because I know that it is going to be so damn hard to do.

Eight months I have known Luke and eight months was all it took for me to fall in love, get my heart broken and be gifted with the most precious little gift I could ever ask for. These past eight months have been a complete rollercoaster, filled with so many tears and so much pain, and yet I would go through it all again if I could end up having the perfect family with Luke and our baby.

There was only ten minutes until All Time Low was due to come on and I had no clue if Luke was going to be turning up or not. I've had no text, no phone call, not even Calum knows if he's coming or not so I have absolutely no clue if I should start planning my future with or without Luke in it.

I kept glancing at my phone in case he decided to contact me, but each time I was just reminded that the show was getting closer to starting and I was still standing on my own.

I hope he comes.

I could feel people staring at my strangely as I looked around, probably because of the fact that I was five months pregnant and my bump was pretty damn huge right now, god only knows what it's going to be like when I'm full term. I raised my eyebrows at a group of girls that were staring at me, to which they responded with look of disgust and an eye roll before turning back to look at the stage.

I guess it was quiet unusual for someone who was pregnant to be at a rock concert surrounded by hundreds of people, but Luke knew I was here and if I knew for defiant that he was going to turn up, I would wait as long as I could.

Suddenly, the lights went dark and the room erupted into cheers, but I was so far from cheering. My heart sank into my stomach and I closed my eyes to stop the tears that I knew were coming. I was fucking heartbroken.

I gasped out abruptly when I felt a pair of hands place themselves on my hips and turned around ready to slap the person, only to witness the blue eyes I was longing to see.

He actually showed up.

"Oh, my god. You're actually here." And now the tears were actually forming but for a completely different reason. As the spotlights started to dart around the room, every now and then one would shine on Luke's face and I could already make out the massive smile on his face.

"That I am, baby." He smirked. God, how I've missed that smirk. I roughly grabbed his face between my hands and brought our lips together.

It felt so good to finally have him close to me again, to have him touching me and holding me. It all just felt so right. It felt like home.

His lips felt so perfect against mine and I never wanted to stop kissing them. The way he holds me makes me makes me feel so safe and secure, like he would be able to take care of both me and Little Pea.

You're Not My Type // Punk Luke Hemmingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें