I Knew Something Was Going On - Chapter Eleven

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Mia's POV.

"Guys we should go on a road trip!" Michael screamed with excitement.

We were sitting in the boys' dorm, like usual, watching a movie called 'Road Trip', ironically. That was probably what gave Michael his bright idea, although I don't think our trip would be much like the movie. Michael and I were in our favourite position of me between his legs, his arms wrapped around me tightly. He kept kissing and nipping at my neck whilst whispering in my ear about how angry Luke looked. It gave me some satisfaction to know that Luke was angry because I know he's jealous, he just doesn't want to admit it.

"And where is this road trip to exactly?" Chloe mumbled, she was cuddled into Ashton's side, slowly drifting to sleep. They were such a cute couple, I wish I had someone who treated me the way Ashton treated Chloe.

"I dunno, maybe Newcastle? Yeah, and then we could go clubbing. I've heard its epic" Michael mused. I could feel his hands slowly finding their way up my top to rest on my belly. He always seemed to do that when we were cuddling, but I found it oddly comforting.

"I actually agree with Michael. I think it will be fun to have us altogether for a whole weekend. We could stop at a couple of hotels along the way. What do you guys say?" I asked, looking at them all individually. I was met with some 'yes" and some 'hmm's'.

"I would love to guys, but I promised my parents that I would visit them this weekend" Chloe told us with an apologetic smile. From the corner of my eye I could see Luke visibly relax. Why did he not want Chloe to come with us?

"We'll have to do it again some other time when you can come with us then" Calum said. "Maybe we should go shopping and get some things for the trip? When are we going?" he continued.

"Maybe we should go this weekend?" Michael asked everyone. We all nodded in agreement.

I've been working flat out on my school work so I think it's about time I had a break. Being surrounded by my favourite people was just going to be an added bonus.

"So... shopping?" I wondered. No one actually answered me, but instead got up from their positions on the beds and floor and started getting their shoes and coats on.

It had been a week since the boys did their disappearing act and since then Michael has not left my side. He has been acting a bit strange though, like when he gets a phone call, he always leaves the room and he will always be pulling the boys aside to talk in frantic whispers. I haven't seen much of Luke at all, with him always saying he can't hang out because he had something to do. Calum and Ashton have also been detaching from the group, but not as much as Luke; the whispering still present.

The walk to the shopping centre was actually quiet long, about thirty minutes. It consisted of the boys pushing and shoving each other, at one point Calum ended up stuck in a recycling box. Me, Chloe and Whitney trailed behind the boys, laughing at their stupid antics and making jokes about their idiocy.

When we walked into the shopping centre, Ashton headed straight to HMV. We all looked at him with a confused expression, standing frozen in our spots by the door.

"What?" Ashton asked, turning around to face us, upon seeing our confused expressions on our face, he continued "You gotta have good music for the journey" he scoffed making us all laugh and follow after him.

Whilst looking through multiple CDs, Luke and Whitney seemed to have drifted off away from the group. In the month that I have known these boys, Whitney and Luke have never had a single convocation alone, so I don't understand why they were being so secretive. I could see them whispering to each other like they didn't want anyone else to hear what they were saying, like they had something to hide. I could see in their facial expressions that they were both growing angry with each other, Luke's jaw was clenched and I could see his nostril flaring. Next thing I know, Luke was storming away from Whitney and further into the store.

"What was all that about?" I asked Whitney once she was standing in front of me. She had a look on her face that I could quiet decipher.

"Umm, nothing. No, no, everything is fine. Don't worry" she rambled, hastily turning around and joining Ashton and Chloe in the 'rock' section.

"Okay" I whispered to myself whilst walking over to Calum, who was looking at the new Ed Sheeran album. He was reading the back to see what songs were on it.

"What do you think?" he asked, handing the CD to me. I took it from him and scanned the songs. I looked at Calum and nodded my head, handing it back to him.

"Some good songs, should be fun for the road trip" I said, "So what's going on between you and Whitney?" I winked, playfully elbowing him in the ribs.

"I don't know what you mean" he tried to keep his face neutral, but failed when I saw the edge of his lips curve upwards.

"I knew something was going on" I squealed, clapping my hands together excitedly.

"I don't know if it's going to turn into anything serious but I really like her and I get the feeling she likes me too" Calum blushed, bowing his head, although the smile was still present.

"I think she likes you too, Cal" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck for a hug, "I hope it works out for you guys. You're cute together" I smiled, pulling away from the hug. I glanced behind Calum to catch a glimpse of Whitney's narrowed eyes and arms crossed across her chest. When she caught me looking at her, she shook her head and walked off in a huff.

"I'll be back in a minute, Cal" I walked off in a hurried search for my best friend. I know she thinks there is something going on between Calum and me, but I can't believe she would think so low of me. Friends don't cheat with their friends boyfriends.

I found Whitney a few minute later pacing around the floor in the back of the shop. "Whit" I sighed, getting her attention.

"What?" she spat. I had never seen her so angry before.

"There is nothing going on between me and Calum, if that's what you're thinking" I started to explain, but Whitney didn't seem to look like she believed me when she crossed her arms over her chest and raised her eyebrow, "he was actually telling me that he liked you" I smiled.

"Really?" she said softly and quietly, a pink tint making its way to her cheeks. I felt a little bit guilty for telling Whitney that Calum liked her, when really I should have left that for him to do.

"Really. And the only reason I was hugging him was because I was happy for you both"

"Thank you" she whispered, wrapping her arms around me and hugging me tight.

"Come on, let's go find the others" I said, pulling away from the hug and grabbing her hand to pull her with me.

We looked in the shop for a little while longer until we finally gave up and text the boys. They replied shortly after saying they was in New Look, so Whitney and I left the shop to find them. What I didn't expect to see when we entered the shop was Michael and Ashton wearing high heels and attempting to walk in them. The key word being 'attempting'.

"What the hell are you losers doing?" I laughed, everyone else already laughing, even Luke, which surprised me. I do like seeing him laugh though. He just looks so carefree and happy, instead of angry and stressed like he does any other time. You can tell when he finds something genuinely funny because he scrunches his nose up, which is so adorable, I just want to boop it.

I must have been staring too long at him because once the laughter died down; he looked at me with his piercing blue eyes, making my heart beat a little faster and a sickly feeling to rise from my stomach. Once again we didn't look away from each other for a few minutes, watching each other intently. It was like we were each other's favourite thing to look at.

Maybe he was my favourite thing to look at.

A/N: can we please take some time to appreciate how beautiful Calum looks in that picture! Punk!Calum is my favourite!

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You're Not My Type // Punk Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now