Dealing - Chapter Twenty-Four

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Warning: Contains drug use.

Mia's POV.

I don't think I have ever jumped out of a car as quick as I did when Ashton pulled into the University car park. The tension in the car was becoming unbearable between Luke and I and unfortunately it affected everyone around us.

Luke never spoke a word to anyone the entire ride back, just kept looking out of the window with his earphones in. From the way he kept running his hand through his hair though, I could tell that he was pissed off at me and decided to take it out on the rest of the guys which wasn't fair on them. Even though I can't stand to be near Luke right now, I had to say that he did look hot when he was angry and found myself looking at him more often than I would like to admit.

Even though I knew Luke was mad at me, I didn't let it ruin my ride home, so instead I played I spy with Calum and Michael until Michael kept making up words because he couldn't think of anything. At one point, Calum and Michael kept whispering to each other and when I asked what they were talking about, they just told me not to worry about it and to go back to reading my magazine. There was defiantly something up with them and I was going to find out what.

Whitney and I walked into our dorm room after saying our goodbye to the boys and flopped down on the bed. This trip not only physically drained me but also mentally. I feel like I could just sleep for a week and not wake up, to forget about school and the boys and actually relax for a change.

Instead of unpacking straight away like Whitney did, I kicked off my shoes and crawled under my duvet, falling into a deep sleep. I would be damned if I was to dream about Luke, but I have no control over it and unfortunately for me, that was all that was on my mind.

I dreamt of him wrapping his tattooed arms around my waist from behind as I cooked breakfast. I dreamt of him peppering my face with little kisses to make me smile. I dreamt of him glaring at any guy that looked at me. In my dream, he was perfect, but that's exactly what it was, a dream. There was no way that it was ever going to become a reality. Luke preferred hooking up, smoking and drinking, basically all the things that would stop us being that cute couple you read about in every romance novel.

"Mia." I felt my body being shuck awake.

I grumbled and rolled over, slightly opening one eye to look at the person who rudely woke me up. "What do you want, Whit?"

"The boys just texted me and asked if we wanted to go to a party with them tonight?" I could practically feel the excitement radiating off of her.

"No." I simply stated. If there was a party, that meant that Luke would be there and I am doing everything in my power at the moment to avoid him. If truth be told, I don't know how I would react if I saw Luke with another girl.

"What, why?" Whitney pouted.

"I just don't want to, okay?" I snapped. When I saw the look on Whitney's face I sighed. "Sorry, I'm just cranky because you woke me up."

"It's okay. So does this mean you're coming to the party?" Whitney grinned, like she had just realised that she could make me feel guilty for snapping at her and make me go to the party with her. She always had the ability to make me do something just by guilt tripping me and I feel like that's not fair.

"Ugh, I suppose I will." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes," she squealed. "Calum said he and the boys will be over in about two hours to pick us up. So go get ready, missy." She waved her hand at me in a dismissive manor making me roll my eyes again at her.

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