I love you - Chapter Forty-Three

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Mia's POV.

Luke and I have not had any alone time for the past two weeks and I was just about ready to burst. It was no secret (well, it kind of was) that Luke and I had some sort of obsession with touching one another and not being able to have that was driving me crazy.

The moment Whitney arrived home from spending Christmas with her family, we spent the whole day together just catching up and talking about what we had done over the holiday. She was really worried when I told her about my ice skating accident, but once I reassured her it wasn't that bad, she was fine. She was such a bundle of sunshine when I mentioned that Michael now had a boyfriend. She said she couldn't wait to meet him because she could only imagine how gorgeous he is.

Once Whitney had informed me of everything that happened with her and her family, not forgetting to tell me the story of how her little brother sneezed and a pea shot out of his nose (I was a little bit disgusted), she said she promised Calum that she would go over tonight and they could exchange gifts. I also grimaced when she told me she probably wouldn't be back tonight.

So as soon as Whitney had left, I was straight on the phone to Luke to tell him to come round. He had only been away from me for a few hours and I was already missing him. I guess that's what being in love does to you. They only thing was, I didn't expect Luke to turn up with a busted lip, two black eyes and multiple bruises on his face and body.

At first I thought it was something to do with him doing some drug deal that went wrong, and then he told me he saw Ashton and I changed my mind. Apparently Luke had told him everything that happened at the party with him and Chloe and lets just say that Ashton didn't really take it very well. He literally beat the shit out of Luke and he just let him. Luke claimed that he deserved it. Needless to say, Chloe and Ashton are not together anymore.

Then Luke decided to drop another bomb shell and tell me that Michael knows about us. I was quiet worried about what Michael would think because of the amount of times he told me to not get close to Luke. Little does he know, I'm literally in love with the boy. To my relief, Luke told me that he was angrier at him than he was me so that relaxed me a little. I was still worried to see Michael though.

However, all of this happened two whole weeks ago and that was the last time Luke and I could have some alone time. That was until I got a text from Luke saying that he wanted to take me out to brunch, just like we did almost a month ago. There was no way I was turning down this offer.

So here we sat eating arguably one of the most cliché English breakfast meals. Beans on toast.

There was a steady flow of conversation between us, but there was one thing that was in the back of my mind and every now and then it would push its way to the front. Does Luke feel the same about me as I do about him?

I knew the answer was very likely no, but I couldn't help but have that little bit of hope in me that told me he loved me too. I mean, he took me on a date for fuck sake. He's never done that with any other girl he's had sex with.

I needed to ask him sooner or later and there was no time like the present. I didn't even need him to tell me that he loved me back, I just need something to show what we had going on wasn't futile.

"Do you like me?"

I froze as soon as the words left my mouth. Way to be subtle, Mia.

I didn't want it to happen like this, when Luke and I would talk about our feelings for one another, but the curiosity was eating away at me. I needed to know if Luke thought of me as more than just a casual fuck, I needed the reassurance that he wasn't using me for my body, I needed something.

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