Little Pea - Chapter Fifty-Four

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Mia's POV.

"I still can't believe you didn't tell us you were sleeping with Luke." Calum shook his head in mock disappointment, although I could see some truth in his words.

"He never wanted me to tell you guys. I was scared of what you guys would think too, to be honest." I admitted, sorting through my draws full of my study material.

The boys and I had agreed that I needed to start sorting things out ready to move into my new place when I finally find one. I had spent the last week and a half searching for a place I can actually afford, ready for Little Pea and I, until Michael came up with the great idea that we all pitch in together and buy one that all of us could stay in.

I wasn't really jumping at the idea right away; there were so many reasons why it was a bad idea. If Michael, Ashton, Calum and Whitney were to all move in with us two, then that would mean that Luke would be joining us. Now, tell me if I'm being dramatic, but living in the same house as the father of my baby, who doesn't want said baby, might be a little bit awkward.

I would like to live with my best friend and the boys because they were the closest thing I had to family. I mean, I know I have a mom and dad, but they were never there for me or supported me like these guys do. I have only known the boys for seven months and yet I feel safer with them then I have with anyone else in the world. I'm so thankful that my baby is going to have them to watch over them.

After a hell of a lot of thought, I decided it would be better if they boys didn't live with us. Whitney said she would sill move in with me, regardless of whether the boys would be there too. I know the boys will be around all the time anyway because, one; Calum and Whitney are dating and two; Michael is clingy.

"Why?" Calum practically shrieked, making me chuckle. "Are we really that scary? Do you not trust us or something?"

"Cal, it's not that," I sighed. I kept my eyes focused on the abundance of papers I had in my draw, chucking away anything unimportant. "I was just worried that you would judge me. I know you guys always said Luke was heartbreaker and I didn't want you to think I was stupid for ever going there."

"We would never have done that." I turned my head and raised my eyebrows at Calum words, giving him a look that says 'bullshit'. "Okay, maybe we would have. But if we knew, maybe we could have shouted at Luke and told him not to be such a fuckboy."

"He is a fuckboy." I chuckled, agreeing. All of a sudden I heard Michael and Ashton, who were sorting through a box in my wardrobe that I kept all my Christmas presents in, go completely silent. I turned to see them both with their backs to me, looking down at something. "What you got there guys?"

They both turned around with wide eyes, looking like a couple of deer's caught in headlights. They clearly were trying to be secretive of whatever they have found.

"It's... They're... Remember when... Fuck." Michael struggled to get his words out, obviously not knowing what to say. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed in frustration.

I got up from my spot on the floor and walked over to them, snatching the envelope out of Ashton's hand. I slowly opened it and pulled out the contents, my body freezing at the sight of what was inside.

The New York tickets.

"Mia? You okay?" Michael asked, reaching out a hand to rest on my forearm comfortingly. I shook my head, still staring at the tickets.

This was meant to be the best week of my life. It was meant to be just Luke and me, and no one else. We didn't need to worry about being caught; we didn't need to lie to anyone. We could actually act like a couple and not have to worry about the consequences.

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