Sorry - Chapter Twelve

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Mia's POV.


I jumped; startled, spinning around to look at the person who just screamed my name in my ear. Calum.

"What the fuck, Calum?" I scolded him, slapping him lightly on the arm.

"Ow" he pouted, pretending to be extremely hurt. I rolled my eyes and tilted my head to look around Calum to see Michael, Whitney, Ashton and Luke walking towards us. Chloe had already left earlier that day and headed to London to see her parents.

"Hey guys. Ready to get this trip started?" I grinned. I have a good feeling about this trip.

Michael ran toward me and picked me up spinning me around and yelling a 'hell yeah'. I couldn't help but giggle at his behaviour. Instead of putting me down, he placed his hands on my thighs, coaxing me to wrap my legs around his waist, which I do.

"Come on then, let's get going" Ashton ushers us all towards the parking lot where we parked a minivan ready for our road trip.

"Are you going to put her down?" Luke questioned Michael, glaring at the back of Michaels head, giving me a perfect view of his narrowed eyes.

"Nope" I could feel Michael shaking his head from where my head was placed on his shoulder. I looked at Luke and I couldn't help but smirk at his expression; jaw clenched, fists balled, face red. Basically he was angry.

I could make him even angrier; I could be even more of a bitch. Before I even processed what I was doing, I was running my fingers through his hair and rubbing my nose against his neck. I took a peek at Luke again and saw him breathing heavy and flaring his nostrils, but once he catches my eye again he huffs and storms ahead of us.

"Shotgun" Calum shouts, running to the passenger's side, whilst Ashton climbs in the driver's seat. I don't really have a choice where I sit because next thing I know, Michael is chucking me into the back seat and lying on top of me.

"Get off me, you dork" I laughed, trying to push him off me.

"You know you like me being on top" he winked, rolling off me and sitting up properly.

I couldn't help but snort. "That's not what you were saying last night."

"Will you two shut the fuck up?" Luke snarled from the seats in front of us. Everyone fell silent and stared at Luke, wondering why he was so angry about it.

Maybe we should stop flaunting our 'relationship' in front of Luke, because if he is moody this whole trip then it will ruin it for everyone. I don't want to be the reason why this trip was horrible and why Luke is unhappy.

"Sorry" I whispered. Ashton started that car and backed out of the car park in silence. Nobody spoke for about ten minutes; only the sound of Nirvana playing and Calum quietly singing along was heard. I could see Whitney and Luke exchanging a few words, but other than that that there was nothing. I think Michael felt as bad as I did, well at least I did until Michael positioned himself so he was snuggles up to me with his head on my shoulder and one of his arms resting between my legs, not in a sexual way, but in a 'my hands are cold' way.

I could feel Michael's breath against my neck and as time passed, his breath became even and slow; he had fallen asleep. I repositioned myself, letting Michael's head rest in my lap instead and I rested my arm on his shoulder and ran my fingers through his hair.

Without Michael awake to keep me company I was lonely and bored. Calum had Ashton, Whitney had Luke and I was meant to have Michael to talk to, but now I'm sitting in the back of the minivan scrolling through twitter or playing bejewelled.

It should take us about four hours to get to Newcastle, but we decided we were going to stop off at Manchester for the night because Ashton didn't want to drive for four hours straight. He told us that he didn't trust the rest of us to drive and he was the only one who could actually get us there safely. I agree with not letting Calum drive; he ran over a pigeon once and nearly crashed the car, but I can drive just as good as Ashton can.

Half way to Manchester, I got the sudden urge to pee and with Michael's head now resting on my stomach, it wasn't helping the situation. "Guys, can we stop at the next service station? I kinda need a wee"

Ashton turned his head to me for a split second and then back to the road. "Yeah, there's one coming up in about five minutes. Think you can wait that long?"

I nodded my head but then realised that he wouldn't see me so I replied with a simple "yes" and carried on looking out the window whilst running my fingers through Michael's hair. We pulled up to the services a few minutes later.

"Michael" I poked his cheek. No response. "Michael" I said a bit louder, whilst giving him a gentle slap on the face. Still no response. I cleared my throat. "Michael!" I shouted right next to his ear making him jump up straight in his seat.

"Fuck sake, Mimo. What was that for?" he grumbled, rubbing his ear.

I laughed. "Sorry, but I had to pee". I got out the car and started walking towards the little cafe that was on the site. "Anyone else need the toilet?" I turned back and asked.

"Yeah, I do" Luke said, while the rest of them shook their head. Well this could be very awkward. We walked side by side in silence, keeping a good distance between us.

It seems like I can't find anything to say to get rid of this awkward silence. It's not like when I was with Michael because when I was with Michael I seemed to find this confidence I never knew I had. It's not the sort of confidence I want though, this is a confidence that makes me seem like a bitch, like I have a black heart. I don't though. I just don't want Luke to see that I do kind of like him, that I do have some sort of feelings for him.

The confidence I want is the one that allows me to tell Luke I like him, well, sort of like him. That it gives me the confidence to kiss him when I feel the urge to, or tell him that there is nothing between me and Michael and that sometimes I wish it was us that acted like we do. Unfortunately, I don't have that confidence; with or without Michael by my side.

"What you thinking about?"

I snapped my head towards Luke, wearing a pink blush on my cheeks. "Umm, n-nothing. Don't worry about it".

"It was obviously something or you wouldn't be blushing" I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

"Oh, fuck off, will you?" I stomped away from Luke and headed straight into the ladies toilets, not giving Luke the chance to say anything else.

I quickly did my business and went to wash my hands. I glanced up into the mirror, only to see how tired I looked. I had to get up early today to get ready for the trip and classes and then I had to have a full day of classes, leaving me exhausted. When I get back to the car, I defiantly need to go to sleep.

I walked out of the toilet and straight into someone's chest, making an 'umph' noise. I looked up to find the one and only Luke Hemmings.

I scowled. "What the fuck Luke?" I glared at him, crossing my arms over my chest.

He blushed. "I uh, I wanted to say sorry. For being a dick to you all the time" well I was not expecting that.

"Umm, thanks. I'm sorry too. For being a bitch" I smiled. He smiled as he turned away and started to walk back to the car, me trying to catch up to him with my short legs.

Maybe this is going to be the start of Luke and me actually getting on. I'm not saying we're going to be friends straight away, but this is at least a start.

A/N: Hi guys! I know this fic is shit but I really appreciate you reading it. Please don't forget to vote and comment. Tell me what you think, give me your ideas. Love you guys!

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