Purely Platonic - Chapter Eight

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Mia's POV.

It had been a week since the party and things between me and Michael have been like nothing ever happened; like we never even kissed. I thought after that it would be awkward, but it actually wasn't. He was still his normal clingy, flirty self, always rubbing our friendship in Luke's face, knowing he would be jealous. Every now and then I would have to tell Michael to tone it down a bit, but only because I was scared of Luke hitting Michael. I'm sure Michael could give as good as he gets, though.

Luke still doesn't talk to me. Sometimes I would catch him looking at me but he quickly looks away, denying he ever was. When Michael and I are together I can practically feel Luke shooting daggers at us, which still confuses me. Although Luke told Michael he thought I was hot, he never actually tried to make a move on me, so as far as he is aware I don't know about his and Michael's conversation, so there was no reason for me to not flirt with Michael, or anyone for that matter.

Whilst Luke and I may not be getting on too well, Calum and Whitney seem to be getting on like a house on fire. They 've hung out with each other on their own a couple of times this week and when we hang out as a group, they always seem to be sitting together. I wonder if they like each other? After the past Whitney has had with boys, she deserves someone like Calum who would treat her right.

Michael had called me about ten minutes ago saying they were on the way to ours to pick us up and then we were going back to theirs to have a movie marathon. It has become a regular thing to hang out at their place, it seems like I'm never not with them. It's a good job I actually enjoying hanging out with them, isn't it?

A knock on the door took me out of my trance. I opened the door to reveal Michael and Calum, both with their fists raised ready to bang the door again.

"Oh" they both said, lowering their fists.

"Come on Whit, we're going" I shouted back into the room, grabbing my bag and coat. Whitney soon appeared from the bathroom, also grabbing her bag and coat. I think she tried to make it subtle but I defiantly saw the sweet smile she gave Calum.

The closer it got to winter, the colder it got outside and I don't think I'm ready for the runny nose and sore throat. On the upside, at least I can start wearing my beanies again.

Arriving at their dorm, I ran to Michael's bed, taking off my coat and shoes on the way and snuggling under his blanket. Michael soon joined me in his bed wrapping his tattooed arms around my waist from behind. I didn't even realise that Luke, Ashton and Chloe were already there, on Luke's bed.

"Okay guys, what are we watching?" Calum asked, walking towards the DVD player.

"I don't care" Michael and I mumbled at the same time, snuggling closer to each other.

"Woah, Luke! What where those daggers for?" I heard Calum ask with a curious tone to his voice.

"I don't know what you mean?" Luke grumbled.

"Yes you do. If looks could kill then Michael and Mia would be dead right now" at what Calum said I raised my head to look at Luke. He had a slight pink tint to his cheeks, obviously having been caught.

"Whatever" he uses that response a lot, especially when it comes to not knowing what to say.

I blocked out the rest of their conversation and listened to Michael's breathing against my neck instead, just like the first time we met. I started to trace the patterns, which adorned his arms, with the tip of my finger. I could slowly feel myself falling asleep, ignoring the bickering about what movie to watch. The last thing I remember before drifting off into dream world was Michael rubbing his nose against the side of my neck and giving my cheek a soft kiss.

I woke up to the sound of abrupt laughter. I was now cuddled into Michael's chest, his arm wrapped around my back. He once again had his finger tips inside the top of my jeans and underwear, although this time they rested on my bare bum as opposed to resting on my belly like last time. If people didn't know us then they would probably think Michael and I were in a relationship, but we have spoke about this before and there was nothing between us, and never will be. Purely platonic.

I shifted in my place, letting Michael know I was awake. He looked down at me with a lazy smile on his face, his eyes slightly droopy.

"Good morning, sleepy head" he chuckled, leading down to place a kiss on my cheek once again. It was then that I noticed that he had a joint in his hand.

"How long was I asleep?" I yawned, moving so I was sitting up straight. Michael wrapped his arm around my waist once again.

"We'll, we've watched 3 movies so far and they were about three hours long each so that's, like, what, twelve hours?" Michael guessed.

"No mate, it's nine hours" Calum laughed, causing us all to laugh too. I glance outside to see that it was slowly getting darker outside now, I guess I really did sleep for that long.

"That's not a nap, that's an actual full night's sleep" Chloe gasped.

"Nar, it's a nap" Michael and I said at the same time. We looked at each other in shock and then burst out laughing.

"Mimo, want some?" Michael asked, gesturing towards his joint.

"No, I'm okay thanks. I think I'm actually going to go back to my room and catch up on some homework" I said, standing up from Michael's bed.

"Aww, please don't leave me" Michael pouted, grabbing me by my hips and pulling me down onto him. I fell against his chest, using my hands as support. I rolled my eyes and climbed off of him again.

"Sorry, Mikey. We'll do something else another day" I said, grabbing my coat and bag, "Whit, are you gonna stay?" I asked. She was lying across Calum and Chloe, Calum slowly stroking her hair. I'm sure something is going on.

"Yeah, I'll be back before midnight though" Whitney assured me.

"Okay, bye guys" I said giving a small wave and leaving their dorm.

The walk back to mine was quiet. There was nobody around me and all I could hear was the wind blowing violently, making the leaves shake.

I felt like I had been neglecting my studies recently. I know every now and then that Michael and I would do some singing together or play the guitar together, but I haven't actually been writing any of the essays I was meant to do. These boys, mainly Michael, have been occupying my time, whether it is with movie marathons or trips to the coffee shop. They also made me go to the park with them once, which was really weird. Seeing Luke's lanky figure on the monkey bars was hilarious.

I was determined to have at least one night where I can get some work done and have some time to myself. I like hanging out with the boys and the girls but sometimes a girl needs time to herself. Homework is all I've ever known  and what I'm actually good at, so this will make me feel just like I used to, although I don't know whether that is a good or a bad thing. Do I want to feel like I did back home? I guess this time is different because it was my choice to do homework and for a subject that I actually like, as opposed to English literature and maths.

Hopefully I can finish my essay before the boys interrupt me again. I can almost guarantee they will.

A/N: Hey guys! Have you figured it out yet?

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