I Can't Lose Him - Chapter Thirty-Five

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Mia's POV.

I felt sick.

My stomach had completely dropped and my heart was in my throat. I was struggling to keep my breath steady and stop my hands from shaking.

I stared at Luke as he kept quiet. We hadn't uttered a word to one another and I couldn't work out if that was better or not. If Luke said anything at the moment, I think I would punch him in the face, but if he doesn't say something soon, I'm going to go insane at all my unanswered questions and pent up anger.

I couldn't believe that Luke would do that. I couldn't believe Luke would do that to Ashton, his best friend, someone who had apparently been by his side throughout all the crap that has happened in his life. There was no logical way in my mind for me to understand why Luke did it.

"Mia..." Luke whispered, reaching out his hand to try and grasp mine. I backed away.

"Don't Luke." I snapped, walking out of the bathroom to get dressed. I felt sick and I felt worse standing in front of the cause of my sickness in nothing.

I pulled draws and doors open harshly, slamming them shut when I found what I wanted. I quickly dressed, feeling Luke's eyes on me the entire time from where he stood in the bathroom doorway.

I tuned to face him. "Why the fuck would you do it, Luke?"

I was still shaking as I continually ran my fingers through my hair to get them to stop.

"I don't know. It wasn't like I planned it, it just happened." He looked down at his bare feet like he was ashamed of what he had done. So he should be.

"I should hope you didn't fucking plan it." I spat. I sat down on my bed, resting my face in my hands.

"Mia, please look at me. I was drunk and high and I wasn't thinking properly. I was looking for anyone to sleep with."

"Yet you ended up in bed with Chloe, your best friend's girlfriend."

"I told you I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't even cum, I sobered up and I stopped."

"Was Chloe drunk?" I need to know if she was sober or not, because if so then the situation just got a lot more disgusting.

Luke looked down at the floor again giving me the answer to my question, but Luke decided to speak up anyway. "No."

"For fuck sake. It was bad enough when I thought you were both drunk, but Chloe was sober? Are you fucking kidding me?" I fumed, my voice slightly rising.

"I'm sorry, Mia." Luke whispered, slowly walking towards me.

"It's not me who you should be saying sorry to." I gave him a pointed look.

Luke crouched down in front of me, resting his hands on my knees. I resisted the urge to recoil away. His eyes were pleading with me when he spoke.

"Please, Mia. You can't tell Ashton. Please."

"Luke, he loves Chloe so much. He thinks the sun shines out of her fucking backside, when in reality she fucked his best friend at a party while he was right downstairs." I tugged at my hair with my hand.

"Exactly," Luke sighed, "he loves Chloe; I can't hurt him like that."

"And you didn't think that when you decided to shove your dick into his girlfriend."

Luke visually shrunk into himself at my words. "I could barely remember my own name, let alone who I was fucking. If I was of sound mind, I never would have gone near Chloe."

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