Throwing Up - Chapter Three

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Mia's POV.

It was only thirty minutes into this party and I already wanted to go home. I was sitting on my own on a bench outside, watching Whitney flirt with some blonde guy, who clearly thought highly of himself.

You could always count on Whitney to hook up with someone. I hate to admit it but I was kind of jealous of Whitney. She was always so confident when it came to meeting new people, especially boys. She never really went longer than three weeks without having a boyfriend; always someone showing her affection. That's what I was jealous of. I've never had anyone that treated me like I was their whole world; looked at me like they thought they were lucky to have me; spoke about me like I was the most interesting topic. I wanted that.

The air around me was gradually getting colder and the alcohol was starting to wear off. I just wanted to cuddle up in bed with a cup of hot chocolate and watch YouTube videos. On any other night, I would probably be more up for a party, but right now I was tired and a little bored from not having anybody to talk to.

"You look a little bored there, babe." A voice startled me out of my gaze. I looked to me left to see one of the boys, the one with black hair and blonde highlights in his fringe, from before. He didn't have a smirk on his face this time, which was weird; instead it was replaced with a sympathetic smile.

I honestly didn't think I would see any of these guys again, but I guess I was wrong.

"No. What gave you that impression?" I sarcastically replied, rolling my eyes. I don't know were my sudden confidence came from, maybe it was the last bit of alcohol left in my blood stream.

"You've been staring at your friend having a fun time with that dickwad over there for the past thirty minutes." He stated, raising his eyebrow at me.

"Well at least one of us is having fun." I sighed, looking down. The convocation seem to flow so easily between us, like we had known each other for ages, when in reality, I didn't know him at all.

"Why aren't you out trying to hook up with someone?" He questioned, clearly not understanding why I was still sitting her on my own.

I turned my body towards him before sighing. "Because I don't want to sleep with some random guy and then regret it in the morning. I'm exhausted and I just want to sleep." I was surprised with how open I was being with this guy.

In all honesty, he didn't seem that bad of a guy. Yeah, he may seem a little cocky, but I was a guy with his looks, I would be too. Earlier I may have judged him a little too quickly and now I was really regretting it. Although, he was a lot less cocky than the one with the weird hair and the hot blonde, so maybe he was the grounded one of his group.

"You just need to let loose. Have a few drinks and stop giving a shit about everything." He replied, a reassuring smile gracing his face.

"I'm not going to get drunk sitting here on my own. I might be pathetic, but I'm not that pathetic." I snorted because I didn't really believe my own words. I am that pathetic.

"Come on." He grabbed my hand, pulling me up from the bench. It felt a little strange to be letting this guy take me somewhere when I don't even know him.

"Where the hell are you taking me?" I questioned him, trying to pull my hand away from his.

"You are coming to hang out with us lads. We'll show you a fun night." He winked, his smirk once again reappearing. I was a little apprehensive to be with his friends, I didn't know them or how they were going to act around me.

I let him pull me to his friends inside the house. It's not like I had anything better to do, otherwise I would be still sitting on that bench, drowning in my own sorrows and I'd rather drown in my sorrow in the warmth of this building with someone else than in the cold on my own.

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