You Need To Change - Chapter Forty-Six

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Mia's POV.

Typically, when two people confess their love for one another, it's just the beginning of their journey for them. But when it came to Luke and I, that never happened.

I hoped that after our declaration of love, things would change and we would maybe actually be able to try to have a proper relationship. What I didn't want to happen was Luke to ignore me for three weeks and tell me that there will never be anything more between us no matter how much he loves me.

Apparently if you love someone you try not to hurt them, which is exactly what Luke believes he is doing. In his mind, not being with me will save me the heartache of him fucking up, when in reality, he's hurting me more by pushing me further and further away.

As of right now, however, I need to help the boys. Today was going to be the first day of 'operation night club', in which we will be going to one of the hottest night clubs and trying to sell as many drugs to people as possible. Well, I won't be, but I need to make sure the boys are going to be okay and won't get caught.

All I planned on doing was watching over the boys and making sure that no one was catching on to what they were doing. It wasn't that I was encouraging them to give people drugs; it was just that I wanted to make sure they didn't end up in jail.

When I got back from San Francisco, which was literally within hours of actually arriving there, I had a good talk with Michael about everything, from Luke and I, to the boys being drug dealers and everything in between. That was when I told Michael I was going to help them with this one, much to his dismay, but there was no way I was letting this one go.

Luke didn't come back to England when I did; he stayed for another week, so I managed to spend a lot of time with the boys on my own, but he still promised to be back before this deal. The boys have really opened up to me about the whole drug dealing situation, and now I feel like, even though I don't like it, I can cope with it.

Going to the club, I wanted to look kind of intimidating, yet sexy. I wanted people to know not to mess with me, although I'm sure the boys will make sure of that, but I also wanted Luke to see what he is missing. I thought three days was bad enough with not talking to Luke, but three weeks was torture.

I've been having restless nights since Luke has detached himself from me because I'm longing to be wrapped up in his protective arms again. It was hard to concentrate on any of my school work, because my mind was constantly wondering back to him.  On the rare occasion, I've even thrown up at the thought of him never wanting anything to do with me.

But now was the time to woman up and show Luke that I don't need him. I account for my own happiness and, even thought I love him, I don't need to be with him.

With that in mind, I decided to wear a pair of black disco pants and a strappy black crop top. A little bit of skin never hurt anyone right?

Of course, Whitney still didn't know anything about the boys' 'job' so I had told her I was going out with Michael and I'm not sure what time I would be back so not to wait up for me. I'm sure she will end up asking Calum to come over, but he's going to have to make up his own excuse not to be with her tonight.

As I grabbed my clutch bag, my dorm room door flung open, revealing an excited looking Michael. But upon seeing me, his grin turned into a frown.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You need to change." Michael motioned to my attire. "It's too revealing. I'm not happy with it."

I looked down at my outfit and scoffed. It wasn't even that bad. My legs were completely covered and it's not like my nipples were on show. I was mostly covered, so there was no need to change.

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