Can't Risk You Getting Hurt - Chapter Thirty-Six

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Picture of Luke's supplier, Kian, attached.

Mia's POV.

"Can I please come with you?" I pleaded for what seemed like the hundredth time.

I had spent the last half an hour trying to convince Luke to let me come with him when he met with his supplier. It wasn't like I wanted to go and meet him; I just wanted to spend more time with Luke.

"Mia, I said no and no means no."

Luke and I were finished with our brunch and were now finishing off our milkshakes. There had been a comfortable, steady flow of convocation between, not a moment of awkwardness passing. The more time I spent with Luke, the easier it was to talk to him. The only problem was, it was getting easier for me to fall for him.

I huffed crossing my arms over my chest. "Please, Luke. I promise I won't even get out of the car."

"Mia." Luke warned, giving me a pointed look.

"Why can't I come? It's not like anything would happen. I'm going to be in the car the whole time." I tried to reason.

"Mia, you don't know this guy, if he knew there was girl with me, something could happen. I can't risk you getting hurt."

I smiled at his protectiveness, a warm feeling overcoming me.

"I'll put a hat on."

Luke laughed. "I don't think wearing a hat is going to make you look like a boy, babe."

Babe. That was the first time he has ever called me that, butterflies swarming in my stomach.

"Fine, I'll just sit in my dorm, all alone, watching Jeremy Kyle and wait for you come back."I sighed dramatically.

"Oh no, I can't possibly let you watch that shit." He laughed. "Why do you want to come so bad anyway?"

"I just wanna see what you do for a living, you know; get an insight into this part of your life."

"There is so much that could go wrong if Kian sees you." Luke sighed.

"Since when have you cared so much about what happens to me?" I frowned. Luke has never been so concerned for my well being before, so why now?

"I'm always like this with my friends. I never want to see them hurt." Luke admitted and although I was awed by his protectiveness, there was something else in the back of my mind.

"You mean like you didn't want to hurt Ashton when you fucked his girlfriend." I shot back, earning a groan from Luke.

"You're still pissed off about that, huh?"

"Luke, I'm fucking furious, don't think I'm just going to let this slide." I snapped. If I just let this go, then it makes it okay. Luke won't understand how disgusting and horrible it is what he's done, so no, I'm not going to let it go.

Luke stayed silent at that.

"So, can I come with you?" I asked one last time.

Luke was silent for a few more moments and I was worried that I may have pushed the boundaries he has set for us. He isn't usually one to open up about things, so maybe me wanting to see a different part of his life, one that he even tried to hide from me, is a step too far.

"Okay, if I do let you come, do you promise not to draw attention to yourself and at least try to hide yourself?"

"I promise, Lukey." I smiled, feeling triumphant in my quest. Luke rolled his eyes at my nickname for him, a fond smile on his face.

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