Suck My Dick - Chapter Twenty - Five

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Mia's POV.

I stood there in shock, looking at the doped up guy in front of me that has just basically told me that my best friends are drug dealers. You think these things only happen in movies, not real life, yet here I am, feeling like I'm living in a fucked up teen movie.

When I think about it, it did make sense with their weird behaviour. I thought back to when Michael got that phone call the other week and he left the room to speak to them, which was unlike him, so it must have been something to do with the drugs, a client maybe? Or when Whitney saw them behind the fields one night and they didn't talk to us all day. Or when Michael and Ashton were whispering to each other when we were out shopping. Or when the boys found out my dad was a cop and everyone got awkward and silent. It all finally made sense.

But what I still don't understand is why they are doing it. I'm willing to assume that there is a reason for why they are giving innocent people something that could effectively kill them; I'm not just going to believe they do it for fun. Even though I have only known these bots for a few months, I know them enough to know they wouldn't do it without reason. Maybe I need to find one of the guys and ask them about it so I can clear my head of all the swirling questions. The first guy I set eyes on is going to get a shit load of questions fired at them.

"So, think you can hook me up?" the guy asked me. I stared at him like he was stupid. Can he not tell that I am having an internal battle of confusion?

"Yeah, sure. I'll get him to come and find you," I sarcastically replied, turning my back to walk away.

"Thank you," he called back to me and when I turned he actually had a thankful smile on his face. Was he a dickhead or something?

I weaved through the grinding, sweaty bodies to try and find one of the boys. They were no longer in the kitchen where I had left them, or the room I was previously in. My next guess was to look outside hoping that they would be having a smoke.

As I was making my way to the front door, I spotted Luke pressing a girl against the wall at the bottom of the stairs and whispering something in her ear. I held back a gag as I walked up to them.

I grabbed his collar and yanked him back towards me. "Hey, get your fucking hands off me," he seethed, but when he turned to see it was me, he rolled his eyes, "what do you want?"

"I have a lot of questions and you need to give me some answers, now," I crossed my arms over my chest, letting him know I was serious. I may not be very intimidating to look at, but once my mouth starts, it won't stop and there is not use trying to get away from me.

"I don't 'need' to give you anything," he told me and turned back to continue flirting with the girl who was still pressed against the wall. He didn't get very far however, because I grabbed him by his collar again.

"Would you stop fucking doing that?" he fumed, getting up into my face.

I glared at him, "no, I need to talk to you. Now."

"For fuck sake, Mia. You're a real pain in my ass, you know that?" he huffed.

"Yeah, I know" I told him. He turned back to the girl again, grabbing her by her hips and smashing his lips onto hers. I couldn't look at him doing that so I turned to look at the abundance of people dancing in the main room. When I heard him tell the girl he would find her later, I turned back.

"Come on," he grabbed my wrist and dragged me upstairs so we could talk without any distractions and noise I'm presuming.

When we entered one of the bedrooms upstairs, I realised that this was the same room I saw Luke in with that ginger girl the first time I went to a party here.

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