Horny Teenagers - Chapter Thirty - One

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Picture of Justin attached.

Mia's POV.

We walked into the cinema twenty minute later since it was only a ten minute drive from our University. There were seven of us that went so we had to split into two different cars. Luke made sure I went with him by sending me a look when no one else was looking, which meant that Luke's car consisted of Luke, me, Whitney and Calum and Ashton's car had Ashton, Chloe and Michael. It was the easiest way to do things without splitting the couples up.

Being the first day that the film was screening, the cinema was rammed with people queuing for tickets and buying snacks. It was hard to hear yourself think with the loud chatter surrounding us, but we continued the walk towards the ticket line, nonetheless. I silently wondered if we would even be able to get tickets for today's screening considering the amount of people here. I'm sure the theatre isn't that big and couldn't fit us all in.

The queue was not as long as we thought it was, but that was because there was a lot of people, mostly teenagers, surrounding the queue rather than actually being in it, so it didn't take us as long as we thought to finally reach the front.

As I expected, Ashton paid for Chloe's ticket and Calum paid for Whitney's ticket. What I wasn't expecting, however, was for Luke to pay for mine. When he told the ticket man he wanted two tickets, I looked at him with confusion, wondering who the other one was for. That was until he handed me the other ticket, giving me a soft smile.

"Why did you buy my ticket?" I wondered aloud, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Because I'm nice like that." He shrugged, the hint of a smirk playing on his lips. I rolled my eyes at his explanation, not wholly convinced that that was why he did it.

I didn't question him further and instead stepped to the side so Michael could buy his ticket too. My eyes scanned across the room as I waited, watching friends joke around and couples share small kisses. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves while they waited for the door to open to the movie theatre screening, or queuing to buy their snacks.

Scanning the room, my eyes happened to spot a familiar head of dark brown hair and brown eyes staring back at me. Justin Cole. His face broke out into a grin when my eyes met his, starting to walk towards me and leaving his group of friends behind and making my breath hitch.

When he stood in front of me, his never faltering smile still present, I couldn't seem to get any words to come out of my mouth. Luckily, he decided to speak first, "Hey, Mia."

I smiled, "Oh, hey." I'm not going to lie; I was having hard time talking to him right now. I couldn't deny that he was attractive; no one could, with his defined jawline and perfectly shaped full lips.

"Where did you disappear off to at the party the other night? I wanted to ask you something." He told me and my mind instantly replayed what Michael said to me in my head. He said he wouldn't mind going out with you sometime.

"I wasn't feeling too good, so I left early. What did you want to ask me?" I questioned, although my mind told me I already knew.

"I, um, was wondering if maybe, um, you would like to go on a date with me, maybe?" He stuttered, seemingly nervous about asking me. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face, he was so cute. Even though I have never actually had a conversation with him, I could tell that he was sweet.

Before I had time to answer him, I felt a presence beside me and the strong smell of cigarette smoke and cologne, instantly knowing it was Luke. I turned to see him with an annoyed expression on his face and quickly looked to see if our friends were witnessing our convocation. Much to my relief, they were all waiting in the line for snacks, completely oblivious as to what was going on behind them.

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