Chapter 16: Never Expected To Be Interested

Start from the beginning

She tries sitting on the other side of the limo but I snatch her wrist and bring her onto my lap. I bring my hand towards her face and graze my thumb over her lips.

"I'm sorry baby, I promise I won't do it again. You know how angry I can get. I'll make it up to you later, alright?" I nimble onto her ear and squeeze her butt making her moan. We're probably going to end up having sex in the car. "So it's all good?" I mumble onto her lips and I feel her smile, then nod. I began to lay her down but she gets up, saying that I'll ruin her makeup and it took her an hour. What's the fucking point of putting paint on your face if you're going to waste an hour of your precious time? Hell, I could paint a clown in five minutes and it'll still look better than most of the girls I've slept with. Laurena is the type to be on a magazine though, it's like she walked out of one.

"Sir, we're here." The driver, says. I forget his name even though he's been driving me since I was young. I step out the car and take Laurena's hand in mine and we began walking inside, smiling for the Cameras, irritating the hell out of me. Though Laurena doesn't seem to mind.

We enter the place, which looks alright. The outside looks like a replica of the white house, except kind of smaller and in the inside, well it's really... white I guess. The cloths on the table are white, the paint around us is white and there's also servers that are dressed in white suits, only. The lights are dimmed and classical music is playing in the background. In the middle of the room is a wooden dance floor, but people aren't yet dancing.

I was distracted by a hot lady, who just winked in my direction, that I didn't even notice the man in the white suit asking for my last name.

"It's Moretti." I say. He nods and leads us to a table, where Luca, Nick and their dates are already there.

"Sup man, it's fucking nice, I already got me two phone numbers and I haven't even been here for an hour." Nick whispers, so that his date cannot hear. I chuckle and also nod at Luca who's date is talking to him, but he's not really paying attention, so she starts talking to Laurena.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will begin the donations more later, but please enjoy yourselves, and have fun." I'm guessing that's the host of the gala, but he soon steps off the stage, like if he has something biting his ass.

An hour into the party and people are already moving along their partners on the dance floors. There's also waiters serving food, and plenty of girls surrounding Laurena, gossiping about a girl who decided not to wear an underwear and wore a short dress. I would like to see that. I greet some of the families and we mostly talk business.

I take a sip of my champagne, and I'm about to drink the whole thing but my phone begans to ring. "Excuse me. I have to take this." I inform them and leave to a more quieter place. I answer the call and I head up the stairs on the side of the stage where it leads me into a hallway and into a balcony.

"Hello?" I say. This is a phone call that I've been waiting for, it's hard to reach the Cornellies.

"You wanted a call from me, so what is it? And make it quick. We both know we're very busy people." He states.

"This about the new incoming drugs that ar-" I don't even get to finish my sentence because he interrupts me.

"No, not happening. I already gave you my share of prostitutes and don't think that I still owe you, Morettis. Don't fucking piss me off!" He yells aggravated and with that he hangs up. I tighten my hold on the balcony and I almost break my glass, with the champagne.

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