Chapter 7: I hate you (edited)

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  ~Two months later~

"Bye babe! Love you!" I yell, on my way out.

But before I leave, he shouts back "love you too."

I take the elevator down to the lobby and get in my car, making my way to my job.

A job that wasn't really needed. I had more than enough in the bank. Although I didn't plan on spending it stupidly. I wanted to save it. It will do me good in the future.

I just worked to have extra, and use that money to pay for Liam's and I, condo. I had decided to have a break from school, and just spend my little time I had left with Liam, till college started. I had decided to study more about or to become someone in the medical field. Liam had decided to be a businessman, so he could do his work while he stayed at home. And that's why he was at home, he got employed already.

Lucky ass

I get to work early, getting out the car and making my way inside the shop. I work as a waitress in a really fancy restaurant. Pasta Bella. All itlalian food, that's really good.

"Hey Rose."

I turn around and find Danielle coming towards me. "Hey Danielle." Did I forget to mention that Danielle also works here.

"You have to see this really cute guy, I took his order and his accent is just to die for." She gushes.

I laugh, shaking my head. "Don't you have a boyfriend?" I ask

She shrugs,"Nah I let him go, he was being a dick, most of the time."

I nod and she leaves getting the 'hot guy's order.'

Mhm I'm gonna be here till eleven, ugh..

Two hours later, and nine more to go. Great. I go in the kitchen to get myself something to eat. I get an Alfredo pasta and sit myself in the break room. Two minutes later Danielle joins me.

"I don't think we're gonna stay here for long, there's not a lot of people coming in. Which is weird. This place is always busy." She says with a frown.

I shrug, actually getting happy at the thought of me being home, in my warm, cool covers and my soft pillows."I hope we do leave early I'm tired." I yawn.

She sits down next to me with her salad. I don't see the point of buying a ten dollar salad. I mean it's basically leaves.

We both finish eating and then the manager walks in.

Danielle stands up and shouts "I was just leaving, it's just that Rose was talking to me non-stop." I scoff and roll my eyes.

The manager laughs and shakes his head "No thats not it. There's not that much work so everybody can leave early like at nine." He shrugs and leaves.

"Gee, thanks for having my back." I say, as I get up to leave. I'm not getting payed to sit.

She smiles."Of course, you know I always have your back." I chuckle.

*Five more minutes to go.

I take the last order from a customer, as I hear the bell on the door ring, I quickly look up to welcome them.

"Hi wel-"

There he finally stands. Chris, Daniel, and some other buff looking guy.

"Ma'am are you alright?" The customer seated in front of me asks concerned.

I snap out of it and smile.

"Oh, yes, I'll be back with your food." I say and go give the order to the chef. I step into the break room and take my apron off. I lay my back against the wall and cross my arms.

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