Mr. Danny is her Uncle??

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William POV**********************************
Being shocked and thinking what the fuck just happen and were did Xia go? Looking around and I see Destiny Reed and Anthony running after Xia like the Flash. I finally walk up to Mr. Danny and ask," Why the hell didn't y'all take her in. When she need y'all most huh? Your a bastard you know that right!!!!!" And stormed out and yelled ," Fuck, Xia where are you !!!!" Running into the woods for what seemed like an hour but finally got to them. I have never seen Destiny Reed and Anthony Reed so pissed off in my life. It was like that was their baby sister it was adorable how they were comforting her that's when I realized she was crying and whole mood change and started too walk back and my foot stepped on a twig. Xia like tried to stop crying and looked over there heads and just stared straight at me as if she seen an ghost. She was just so fragile, before I could move again she got out of Destiny and Anthony Reed grip and ran to me crying just wanting me. She grips my shirt tightly and sob and cusers. I just smooth her hair out and kissed her forehead saying its going to be alright Xee I promise, now look up at me so I can wipe ur tears off.
Xia POV***************************************
I did as I was told and I slowly look up at William. He began to wipe my tears off my check. Smiling as he does that and say ,"but why ??? I have always though that I was alone Liam." William just says I don't know but they have to have a reason , so let us give them a changes.

Wondering LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora