Hell has an Angel here

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Josh POV

Waking up I heard to 'Feel It Still', I groan and and slammed my hand on the button to shut it up.
Facing the ceiling I stared at it until I heard a *DING* turning to my nightstand again I grabbed my phone it was Lucas-

Howdy Josh,
Get your ass up and get
Dressed cause I just found
Out we have a hnew girl
At our school so if you want
Her get you lazy butt off your bed
Get dressed get your breakfast quick and come down stairs because I will be there in 10


I quickly reply saying

Fine I'm up and getting dress gosh hold your horse cowboy

"H-hey Mum, H-hey Dad" stuttering those words out to see my parents sitting there looking pissed off, I think they know what I did.

Mother broke the silence first

 "HEY MUM HEY DAD?!! THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF!!" giving her a blank look I rolled my eyes, grabbing my waffles I start eating it. It was dad's turn to speak now. 

"DON'T ROLL YOUR EYES AT US SON, ANSWER YOUR MOTHER JOSHUA MATTHEWS." When I didn't answer they sighed in frustration.

"Fine then just go to school and make sure you don't get in trouble today your in enough trouble already your principal will make the decision on your punishment" 

"Whatever, see ya"

Lucas pulled up, before he honks like he usually does I spoke up"I'm right here you idiot!" He smiles,  I jumped into his car and drove to school. As I walk through the doors all the girls stop to look at me and start giving me ether an 'I love him so much' look or an 'ugh, it's the man whore' kinda look. Passing the swooning girls I see some of them pull down there tiny things they call a shirt. Making my way straight to the principals office, I get the usual lecture. During his talking I felt someone staring at me yet I couldn't look anywhere besides sir or he'll get even more mad. "You will have after school detentions for a month and not only that but you will clean up your mess"

Nodding at that statement he continued "Good now grab the girl out there , bring her here and stay" what does he think I am a dog.Getting up I went out to see a blonde girl sitting nervously outside the office"You can go in now" I went back in.

I heard the door shut behind me, sitting back down I waited for her to talk , when she did she stuttered while talking, she looks like an angel. "Ah Maya Hart, very nice to you. All you need is your schedule and locker plus a tour and you will be okay. Since Josh is just standing here he can show you around" Of course I want her to say yes but she said denied the offer and left.

After another small lecture  I leave, heading straight to my locker and noticed that Maya's locker was right next to mine. I smirked walking towards her I slammed her locker shut, she looks to up with a pained expression, that's odd.

"Hey" I tried to start a conversation yet she didn't even reply, she glared at me while opening her locker again. Now realizing her hair was caught as I was about to apologize she was gone before I could. 

"Great" I mumbled, Aiden and Lucas came up to me "Dude, you totally failed that" Lucas said laughing his ass off, throwing his arm over my shoulder  we walked to class "Shut Up, I'm going to get her to fall for me. I'm sure of it" I said with a plan making it's way in my head.


Ya, hope you enjoyed it.


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