Losing You Means Find Us- Part Two

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A/N: please don't hate me for the cliffhanger, or the whole entire last chapter...... It had to happen, guys, I'm sorry..... I've had it planned pretty much since the beginning of this story.... It had to happen, but I promise it will get better..... How could it be worse, and there still be a third book?!?!?;);)

Bella POV

Something wet dripped onto my cheek, slowly bringing me back into consciousness. Gentle hands drifted through my hair as I was restricted from movement by a pair of strong, familiar arms. "Si prega di svegliarsi, Bella, per favore. Ho bisogno di te, bambino, si prega svegli." ((Please wake up, Bella, please; I need you, baby, please wake up))

My eyes fluttered open to lock with his, noting how red and puffy they were; had Luc been crying?!? The relief and joy in his green gaze was no comfort at all when I saw the complete devastation and sadness on his face; my hands immediately cupped my bare stomach, though something deep inside me told me there was no use. We'd lost our baby.

With a cry of anguish, I folded in on myself, wishing for all the world to know why the moon goddess had given us this baby if she was only going to rip him and/or her right back away from us. "Perché?!?

Perché noi dare a questo bambino se si stesse solo andando a prendere lui e / o lei lontano da noi?!? Perché ci danno la speranza che saremo genitori, se erano solo andando a prendere lui e / o lei lontano da noi?!? Perché mi permetta di credere che io sono in grado di trasportare un bambino anche dopo la mia settimana di inferno e torturato, se tu fossi solo andando a prendere lui e / o lei lontano da noi?!?

E ti chiami una dea dolce capace di amore e di miracoli! Ciò che i miracoli hanno fatto per me, oltre a me dare un bambino che si sarebbe in seguito solo strappare via da me?!? Come osi ti aspetti che a ululare alla luna dopo questo, o lo spostamento in uno dei vostri fidati, cani giro fedeli! Non lo farò! Mi sono fatto con voi, le mie parole!"
((Why?!? Why give us this baby if you were just going to take him and/or her away from us?!? Why give us the hope that we'll be parents, if you were just going to take him and/or her away from us?!? Why allow me to believe that I am able to carry a child even after my week in hell and being tortured, if you were just going to take him and/or her away from us?!?

And you call yourself a gentle goddess capable of love and miracles! what miracles have you done for me, besides give me a child that you would later just rip away from me?!? how dare you expect me to howl to your moon after this, or Shift into one of your trustworthy, faithful lap dogs! I will not! I am done with you, mark my words!))

If I had known the power behind such words, there was no way I would have uttered them, let alone even thought of them. If I had known how faithfully that same goddess whose name I had just cursed would later bless me, I might not have even cried over my lost child. But, of course, who was I to know the plans the moon goddess had for me, or the riches she would bless me with?!?

Curling my arms protectively around my stomach, as if I could ward off the bad news or somehow bring our baby back, I shoved Luc away as he reached for me. "You!" Pointing an accusatory finger at him, I felt a moment's regret that was quickly crushed by anger and hurt. "Where were you?!? I needed you, Luc, and you weren't there!"

He opened his mouth to protest but instead said nothing, and let his arms drop back to his sides in defeat; I knew I was wrong, that he would've been here for me- with me- if I'd just woken him up, but I was angry and hurt and needed someone to blame.

"Just like I needed you when your father came for me!" A brief flash of surprise mixed with silent question passed over him, but he still said nothing. "It was your father, Luc, who did this to me!" Pointing to the long, jagged scar that stretched from one hip to the other with flecks of silver sparkling in the light, I once again pointed an accusatory finger at him. "Your flesh and your blood did this to me, all of it, and you weren't there for me, Luc!

You were off over here in the States probably sleeping with some stupid, STD-infested whore-skank-bag, and where was I?!? Holed up in some torture chamber away from my parents and family- away from you, Luc- while your father did all of this to me, hoping beyond hope and praying beyond prayer that somehow, you'd know I needed you and come rescue me- come save me."

Pausing to catch a quick breath, I cut him off with a growl as his mouth dropped open to protest. "I needed you, Luc- we needed you." Grabbing one of his hands and curling it around my stomach, where our baby used to be inside of me, the anger finally deflated to a dull ache as a lone tear trailed down my face. "Our baby and I needed you, Luc."

Then, his arms were so tight around me that I couldn't even breathe in his scent as he clutched me tightly to his chest with a sob more heart-wrenching than I'd ever heard in all my meager 18 years of life; even as I'd practically cursed his name not even five seconds ago, I sought, and found, precious sanctuary in his arms. He was strong and muscular and beautiful and dangerous and all mine- all mine.


"Oh, Bella, la mia bella, forte piccolo compagno, per favore per favore ti prego perdonami!" His voice was desperate in my ear as he murmured the words, and I knew I'd totally and royally effed up, maybe even so horribly that our relationship would never be the same. It was not his fault I'd lost our baby, and it was not my fault, so why was I blaming him out loud and myself internally?!? ((Oh, Bella, my beautiful, strong little mate, please please please forgive me))

"La mia bella, forte piccolo compagno, questo non era colpa tua! Se qualcuno è la colpa, è la mia scusa patetica di un padre! Non c'è niente che possiamo fare, mia cara, ma andare avanti. Non lasciare che i nostri separati, passato tortuoso definiscono il futuro che stiamo andando ad avere insieme." His head dropped to the curve of my neck as he breathed me in, the action soothing me possibly more than it did him. ((My beautiful, strong little mate, this was not your fault! if anyone's to blame, it's my pathetic excuse of a father! there's nothing we can do, my darling, but move on. don't let our separate, torturous pasts define the future that we're going to have together.))

"Cercheremo ancora una volta, Bella, lo giuro. Se non alla fine avere un figlio, o figli, forse non era per noi; se abbiamo un bambino, o anche dieci figli, lascia oggi sia una lezione di non dare nulla per scontato." His voice was soft as he swore the oath, eyes never blinking away from mine. ((we will try again, Bella, I swear. if we do not eventually have a child, or children, perhaps it was not meant for us; if we have a child, or even ten children, let today be a lesson not to take anything for granted.))

His lips were gentle- chaste, even- as he pecked me, eyes wide open and locked with mine the entire time. "Se ho imparato una cosa in tutto questo, mia cara, è che ti amo." ((If I have learned one thing through all of this, my darling, it is that I love you))


His fingers were gentle around my chin as he tipped it, forcing our eyes to lock. "Sono innamorato di te, Abellia Renee Ercolani. Nulla si può dire o fare o sarà mai nemmeno tentare di cambiare la situazione- nemmeno si maledire il mio nome in rabbia dopo abbiamo perso il nostro bambino; tu mi possa desiderare dritto all'inferno, ma vorrei volentieri andare con un orecchio a orecchio maledetto sorridere se è quello che ti ha fatto felice. Sei mia, tanto quanto io sono tuo."
((I am in love with you, Abellia Renee Ercolani. Nothing you say or do can or will ever even attempt to change that- not even you cursing my name in anger after we lost our baby; you could wish me straight into hell, but I would gladly go with a damn ear to ear grin if that's what made you happy. You are mine, just as much as I am yours))

"Ti ho amato fin da quando ti ho visto. e quando amo qualcosa, o qualcuno, farò qualsiasi cosa e tutto ciò che serve per tenerli al sicuro, anche se questo significa lasciare. si, la mia Bella ho lasciato, perché il giorno in cui ho compiuto 18 anni, ho ottenuto il mio lupo; Non volevo farti del male, non riusciva nemmeno a sopportare il solo pensiero di farti del male, così ho lasciato. Ho ucciso per te e ho pianto per te. quindi per favore, mio ​​prezioso, dolce piccolo compagno, mi permetta di essere qui per voi."
((I have loved you ever since I first saw you. And when I love something, or someone, I will do anything and everything it takes to keep them safe, even if that means leaving. I left you, my Bella, because the day that I turned 18, I got my Wolf; I didn't want to hurt you, couldn't even bear the mere thought of hurting you, so I left. I have killed for you and I have cried for you. So please, my precious, sweet little mate, let me be here for you.))

A/N: this chapter was a long and difficult one, so bear with me... Like I said, it does get better! Just bear with me......

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