Always Hello, Never Hell No

Start from the beginning

I knew that if I put my hand on my stomach, just this once, to feel even the tiniest of flutters from my baby, everyone would immediately ask a billion and one questions, so I resisted the temptation; instead, I flashed a smile over my shoulder at Luc and turned towards the window, watching the scenery go by. What would my mother say when I told her that I would be a mother?!?!?

"How's your mother, dear? Still the same worry-wart that she was when we left?" Could Moo-maw somehow read my mind, let alone hear my thoughts?!? Still, I knew that if she could, I'd already be in deep shit, and Luc would be six feet under.

"She's good! I mean, if you wanna call stopping the boys from killing each other good, then I guess she's actually great!" Giggling, I realized then how little time I'd spent with her, or even Daddy- but especially the boys- since Luc had been back.

'There will be plenty of time to spend with your family when you're swollen with our child and on bed-rest,' Luc interjected, arching a brow down at me in silent command, 'Because I can assure you, little one, you will be on bed-rest and you will let me spoil you!"

Rolling my eyes, I shot him the finger as discreetly as I could, hoping Moo-maw and Rooster didn't see. "She still loves to bake, and I love that she loves to bake; of course, with the boys still living at home, it's hard to eat the whole cake like I want to, but that's why there's a light in the refrigerator!"

As we continued rolling down the highway and catching up, I couldn't help but sigh in bliss; I had my Mate, we had our baby, and there was nothing we couldn't do when we were together.


"This is home!" Rooster swept his arm wide outside his rolled down window as my keen eyes surveyed the large plot of land; rolling plains as far as the eye could see, far away from anyone else but still a close drive into town. "We'll let y'all get settled and finish the barbecue!"

Hugging them both close one more time, I followed after Luc as he carried our luggage upstairs and into the guest rooms; we both already knew that we'd share the same bed, obviously, but just as obviously we couldn't let Moo-maw or Rooster know.

"Which room do you want, little one?" There were only four bedrooms in the whole house, plus an office, so there wasn't much choice, anyway; still, the house was the perfect size should Moo-maw and Rooster have any guests.

"Your mother's room has an en suite bathroom, if you'd like that one," Moo-maw yelled up the stairs with a smile, "It's the first door on the left, sweetheart!"

Opening that door, I was surprised at Moo-maw's earlier words; this was my mother's room? But it looked so pink and frilly! Not that her room at home was dark and dreary, but I at least expected to see a little bit of color besides pink. Raising a brow, I walked inside nonetheless and sank onto the queen sized, four poster bed; at least the bed was comfy!

'At this point, baby, it doesn't matter what room you choose- I am not staying in this one! You can come across the hall to mine...' With that, he set my bags down and walked out, with barely a passing glance.

I understood why, that was true, but it still upset me that, even now, in the far reaches of the United States, my Mate and I couldn't even share a heartfelt, meaningful gaze without someone questioning us; still, I'd rather have that short glance and be happy with him than be caught in a hot and heavy make out session and have him ripped away from me.

'Oh, baby, as soon as these lights go out tonight, it's just you and me, between the sheets!' A small smile touched his lips as he sighed- I knew him so well that I knew what he was doing even as he stood across the hall from me. 'I swear that to you right now, my little Mate!'

Of course, his words put images into my head until I was a wet, panting mess, so I was thanking the goddess that Moo-maw hollered up the stairs for me. "Bella dear, would you mind helping me fix the salad?"

I quickly learned that was code for lets talk about Luc like he can't hear us or doesn't have a direct link to my thoughts...


"He sure is a handsome young man, I'll give him that," she giggled- giggled, like a schoolgirl in elementary school with her first crush.

"Moo-maw!" My voice was a gasp of mock surprise even as it carefully hid my possessive growl, "Don't let Rooster hear you say that!" And don't say anything like that again, or I'll react and the gig will be up!

"All I'm saying is, I remember when I was that young and oh so in love with your grandpa," she smiled, sending a wink just for Rooster, "So it's nice to see that you haven't let your parent's prejudices get in the way of that."

My jaw hit the floor at her words as I choked on my breath, my panic giving sure sign that her words affected me; about to ask a million and one questions about what she was talking about, I sighed in relief as Rooster bustled inside with a plate of barbecue. Did she know?!?

'Relax, sweetheart, there's no way she could know,' Luc sighed, settling two seats away from me and piling a plate high with food, 'Even if she does know, that does not and will not change a thing!'

Rooster cleared his throat, immediately pulling me from my internal meltdown, and stabbed his steak knife into the air in Luc's general direction. "I hope you enjoy it here, Luciano, I really do."  He flashed a small smile before continuing, "Don't think for a second that we're gonna be near as uncourteous as my daughter and son-in-law; I'm sorry they've made it so difficult on you, son." He rolled his eyes with a quiet scoff under his breath, "If they would get past everything your father- not you- has done, we'd be in a helluva lot better shape, wouldn't we?!?"

His words floored me just as much as Moo-maw's had, but understanding still clicked into place; they knew what had happened between me and Luc, and how Mom and Daddy have hated him ever since- and they still accepted him into their home as if he was one of their own!

"I know that you care for my granddaughter, Luciano." Are these people trying to choke me to death or something?!? The water that I'd just swallowed rushed its way right back up as my eyes bugged out of my head. "Just be careful with her, son, please. She's been through a lot- and I know that Luna and Alessio blame you for that- but you're here, right now, trying your hardest to make it up to her.

Don't let anything they- or anyone else- say or do get in your way of making her happy, Luc," he smiled gently between Luc and I as he slid his fingers between mine under the table, "Because that's what a Mate is supposed to do."

At this point, about 90% of my food fought its way back up my throat and it was only through sheer luck that I managed to keep it down. "You know that we're Mates?!?"

Why the hell couldn't my own parents be as supportive as Moo-maw and Rooster?!?!?

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