Seven years later

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I woke up to the baby crying. I sighed and got up, walking over to the small cradle across the room and picked up little Bobby. "Shh, it's okay baby. Was it a nightmare?" I carried him out into the hall and down to the music room. Whenever he woke up, I'd bring him here and play to him. Bobby was almost a year old now, then there was five year old Charlie, and the oldest was Mary-Ellen. I smiled to myself as I bounced Bobby in my arm and played with the other hand. He loved the piano, it always put him to sleep. I heard the door creak open and saw Dean standing in the doorway. "Hey, he's almost asleep again." I whispered as I continued playing. 

Dean came over and took Bobby from my arms. "I'll put him back to bed, can you check on the girls?" I nodded and made my way to the girls' room. They were both sleeping soundly, and I smiled as Mary-Ellen mumbled something about ice cream in her sleep. Charlie was silent, but gripped her pillow tightly. Just as I was leaving she whimpered and I moved to her side, rubbing her back and soothing her small cries. She woke up and I kissed her forehead. "It was just a dream sweetheart." I whispered, and she hugged me tightly. "Mummy! It was so scary." I held her close to me as she cried into my shoulder. 

Mary-Ellen woke up, and quickly came over to us. "'s okay. Remember? We don't have to worry about all those bad things, because Mom and Dad and Uncle Sam take care of them. One day we will too!" Charlie sniffled and Mary-Ellen pulled her off of me. "I've got her Mom, go back to bed." I smiled at the pair and mouthed a silent "thank you" to Mary-Ellen. She was so much like Dean, always caring about her younger siblings a bit more than herself. I knew she had nightmares too, but she kept it to herself. Once in a while she'd open up to me, and I knew she'd grow up to be a fine hunter. She already was.

In the morning, everyone got up properly. Dean and I made breakfast, while Sam chased the girls around the bunker. "I got you!" he cheered as he brought them to the dining table. "Daddy!!!! Tell uncle Sam to let me go, I wanna eat!" Charlie complained, and we both chuckled at her attitude. "Why don't you just ask Sam?" She looked up at Sam, seeing as he was holding her upside down. "Can you let me down please?" He lowered her to the floor and she ran to her spot at the dining table. Mary-Ellen jumped down and raced to sit next to her sister. I brought over a plate full of pancakes and we all sat down to eat.

After breakfast, I was sitting with the kids in the library. Bobby sat on my lap, Charlie had her nose in a lore book, and Mary-Ellen was looking at a photograph. "Mom, who are these people?" she asked, handing me the photo. I found myself looking at an old photo, back when Lucifer was still on the loose. Charlie moved to look too, and I pointed to Jo. "Well, that's Joanna Harvelle." Charlie's eyes lit up. "That's like my middle name!" I ruffled her hair. "Yeah, we got it from her. Then there's Bobby Singer." I bounced little Bobby in my lap. "You're named after him, he was like a father to your dad and uncle Sam." Then I pointed to Ellen. "Ellen Harvelle, Joanna's mother." Mary-Ellen smiled and touched the photo gently. 

"Am I named after her?" I nodded, brushing some of her long blonde hair from her face. "You're named after her and your grandmother." Charlie crossed her arms. "Who am I named after?" I chuckled and got up, carrying Bobby with me as I walked to the small box where Mary-Ellen had found the picture. "You're named after this woman, Charlie Bradbury. She was super smart, and a hunter." I put the picture back, and then saw a picture of Mary Winchester. I pulled it out and showed it to the kids. "That's your grandmother." I said, and Bobby reached to grab the picture. I chuckled and put all the pictures back, locking the box and setting Bobby on the ground. He started stumbling towards Dean, who had appeared in the doorway.

Charlie tugged at my sleeve. "What about Cas? He was in that picture." I smiled and picked her up, spinning her around. "Yes! He was, I'm sure we'll see him soon." She giggled, then ran off with Mary-Ellen when I let her down. Dean put Bobby down and I pulled him in for a kiss. "Are you leaving?" I asked softly, but surprisingly he shook his head. "Nah, I was going to take Mary-Ellen shooting, but now since she's busy, I thought I'd spend some time with my wife." I smiled and watched as Bobby walked towards his toy on the floor. Dean poured himself a drink, then got one for me as I helped Bobby get his toy then sat him in front of the chair I chose. 

Dean and I spent the morning talking and playing with Bobby. I remembered when Mary-Ellen had first come home and Dean had thought he'd break her by touching her. Now here he was, sitting on the floor playing with our third child without any qualms. It was a sight I never thought I'd see seven years ago, but times and people change. Castiel's been doing well, we still see a lot of him. The kids love him, they see him as another uncle. Sam has had multiple girlfriends, but never really settled down. Dean and I haven't settled down either, always on hunts whenever we can be. Crowley doesn't know about the kids, and when he finally does it'll be too late anyways. 

I smiled to myself as I walked around the bunker. Until I heard a crash and rushed to find Charlie crying with Mary-Ellen's arms wrapped around her. An old vase was broken. I smiled and the vase quickly mended itself, then I turned to my daughters. "I'm sorry. I was trying to make it fly..." Charlie gasped out between sobs. "Oh, I'm not angry baby. You don't have full control of your powers yet, that's fine." Mary-Ellen was the only one with control over her ability she'd gained from Behemoth, which was the ability to speak with animals. She had informed us that most animals appeared to just be rude, and Dean seconded that notion. Charlie could levitate objects, Bobby's power hadn't appeared yet. 

Behemoth himself had receded more into my mind as the years progressed. Over the years I'd grown more powerful, harnessing new abilities and learning how to improve my fighting skills. He often spoke to me in my dreams, keeping me up to date on my lost friends in heaven and watching for any sign of Leviathan. There'd been nothing in seven years, so I was pretty sure we were safe, but I was never letting my guard down. I brought my attention back to my daughters and looked down at Mary-Ellen as she wiped away Charlie's tears. "See? Mum isn't mad with you." I smiled and kissed her cheek gently, telling her to go find Sam and tell him that I wanted to talk to him. Then I turned to Mary-Ellen.

I smiled and picked her up, even though I knew she didn't like it as much as she used to. We sat together on the small couch in the room. "You don't know how proud I am, you're growing up to be so mature and smart. And you care so much for your sister, that's good. You look after her, you hear me? Because one day, we may not be there. I'm not saying it'll happen anytime soon, but it's just a possibility. There may be a hunting trip that we don't come home from, but you'll have Cas, or Sam. I'm not trying to worry you, but you're the oldest. There's a lot of responsibility that comes with that, you can ask your father about that someday. I just..." She cut me off by putting her hand on mine. "I know mom...and I'll do my best to make you proud of me everyday." I kissed the top of her head and smiled. "You do that, and I'll be happy."


Well that's it!!! 

I loved this story, and I hope you as a reader enjoyed it as well...I really don't know what else to say. 

Thanks for getting this book to over 1K reads! I started writing this, thinking no one would like it, but you guys have kinda proved me wrong.

*MINI SELF PROMO HERE* if you like more supernatural stuff, please read my Destiel AU book. It's called "Saving Dean", please vote and/or comment. Every time you guys do it motivates me to write more.

Love you all so much!

-Em ;)

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