Telling some truth

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The next time we met, I was in school. I had moved back to Indiana and was attending a college, while hunting on the side. There was a local ghost that was active, killing off old men. I was searching for an object that connected the spirit to the building, seeing as the original woman had been cremated. I found a hatch and cracked it open, I grabbed a small bag and tucked it in my secret pocket. I heard a noise behind me and turned to see the end of a shotgun coming down on my face.

I woke up with a blindfold over my eyes, that wasn't the issue. The issue was that I could hear Dean and Sam. I knew I could get out of this, but then I heard another voice. Cas. That decided it. I flicked my hands and all my bonds fell away. I blinked my eyes and saw I had been tied to a chair inside a demon's trap. The voices were coming from the other room, so I walked over and looked in the door. Dean was loading guns, Sam was reading, and Cas...looked right at me. His eyes motioned for me to run, but at that moment Dean looked up. He cocked his gun and aimed. I heard the shot firing, but my reflexes were too good. My hand was up and I saw the bullet floating there. "Don't judge a book by it's cover Dean..." I said sighing. Sam stood up and pointed his gun. I flicked my hand and his gun went flying to the corner.

"Cas, I thought you were going to talk sense into the boys." He shook his head and I turned, letting the floating bullet fall to the floor. Dean stood up and grabbed me, turning me and shoving me into the wall. "You bitch, how the hell do you live day by day?" "By pretending to be a princess." I retorted. A hand came down on Dean's shoulder. "Let her go Dean." The hand belonged to Sam, and I glared him down. "Big talk from the man who told your brother and angel ally to kill me last we met." Sam shook his head and pulled Dean off of me. "Tell me what you think you know." I said as I brushed off my jacket.

"We know you have powers, demon blood kind of powers. We know about Azazel, and we know about what you did." "You think you do." I muttered under my breath. "I don't understand how you can claim to be a hunter and yet you are exactly what we want to hunt." Dean said as he checked his weapons. "Is that how you talked to your brother?" I asked, and anger filled them both. I smiled and turned to Cas. "Why don't you tell them the rest, Cas. I have business to attend." Cas stared at me as I turned to leave. "I can help you get wings." "I don't want them Cas, I want to keep some humanity. I'm sure you'll find me so, bye."


They found me the next day at school. I was talking with my friends and throwing my books in my bag when I looked out the door and saw Dean and Sam looking at me. "Excuse me guys, be back in a second." I walked over and was ready to slap Dean. "What the hell are you doing here?" "Cas told us to find you, said you can help." "Help with what, what did you do last night that is so important? Other than the damn apocalypse." Dean sighed and I turned to look at my friends. "Hang on for a minute." I ran over and told them goodbye, and then left with Sam and Dean. "We found a mass of demonic possessions nearby. We haven't seen anything this bad..." "Since the Devil's Gate, yeah I know. I cleaned up your mess. Remember?" Dean nodded, Sam looked unconvinced. "Sam, have faith. I do know what I am doing." I turned and walked away down the halls of the school. "Can you just leave school?" "Yeah, no one keeps tabs on me. I can walk out at the lift of a finger." We walked out to our cars and I followed the boys to the local motel, where we bustled down and got to work.

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