Talking and Queen

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Recovery was slow, and painful, and I hated it. I was forced to stay in the bunker, I could only leave on supervised drives to the middle of nowhere. The worst part had to be that even in the bunker there were limitations. I couldn't do anything. Cas hadn't stopped by in a while, and until Behemoth was properly powered up I was useless. I couldn't heal myself either, which just made me mad. Finally one night, there Behemoth was. "Hello Maeve." "Jerk." I muttered. "How dare you?!" he exclaimed with a shocked expression. "I have been unable to do anything for two weeks! It is annoying as hell and I just want to be able to walk without anything hurting. Is that too much to ask?" He smiled at me and snapped his fingers. I felt my legs relax and I looked up at him. "Did you just..." "Heal you? Yes. Thank me later. Get out there and hunt. Enjoy yourself, get married. Oh, and tell Sam. He's dying to know what you two are hiding."

I opened my eyes slowly and turned to see Dean getting up. "What is it?" I muttered, smiling at the shock on his face. "I can't sleep, you stay in bed." I sighed and got up, quickly getting dressed and walking over to him. "You're walking properly." he noted. "Healed, so can we just go to the range or something? I need to do something." He smiled and I followed him to the garage. "Let's go for a drive." He tossed me the keys and I hopped in the driver's seat. "Can I pick the music?" He nodded and I grabbed the mix tape labelled Queen. I put it in and we drove off into the sunrise. Dean couldn't sing, so he sat and listened to me.

"I'm burning through the sky yeah!

Two hundred degrees

That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit

I'm trav'ling at the speed of light

I wanna make a supersonic man out of you!

Don't stop me now

I'm having such a good time

I'm having a ball

Don't stop me now

If you wanna have a good time

Just give me a call

Don't stop me now 

Don't stop me now

I don't want to stop at all... yeah!"

Before I could finish the song Dean's phone rang and I shut off the music. "Sammy? Yeah she's here with me. We're fine honestly." I sighed and continued to drive out into the city. "We're going on a supply run, we'll be back soon." Dean hung up before Sam could protest. "For that Dean, I will buy you pie." I promised. We both knew that it would be a bit before we actually did any shopping. I drove through the town and out to an empty field. We got out and sat on the hood of the car watching the sunrise over the hills. "So Behemoth healed you?" "Yeah, he also told me to get out there and hunt again and get married." Dean smiled at the last bit, then looked to the dirt. "He ended by saying we should tell Sam." I muttered and he stayed quiet, ignoring the last part. 

We didn't talk much on the way back through town and the few shops we went to. I knew it was my fault in a way, so I kept quiet. Dean drove back to the bunker. Sam was furious with us when we came back in, but I didn't even look at him. I just carried the food into the kitchen and began putting it away. Jo and Ellen had left a few days ago so I felt outnumbered amongst the boys. I considered calling one of them, but if they were on a hunt I didn't want to bother them with my issues. Dean came in and I quickly finished putting stuff away then tried to leave. Some instinct was telling me to get away, that old instinct that said run away from your problems. Unfortunately Dean knew that I had that instinct too, so he grabbed my arm and held me fast. "Maeve....don't. We need to talk." I looked up into those emerald eyes that would melt my heart even if it were frozen solid. "About?" "You know the answer." I sighed and looked to the floor. "You want me to tell Sam?" "Yeah, he wants to talk to you anyway. Just spring it on him."

Sam sat in the library reading some old spellbook. I paused in the doorway then walked in, sitting across from him. "Sam." "Don't, you know we want to keep you safe until you heal." "But I am healed." I walked over and sat next to Sam on the table so he could see that I was fine and my leg was perfectly okay. "How?" "Behemoth's back. Finally, and he healed me. Told me he wanted to hunt again." Sam put his book down and smiled. "Your face is telling me there's more. What is it?" I smiled and looked at the ground, wondering if he was prepared to take the news I was going to tell him. "He also told me that I should go through with my marriage." The shock almost made me laugh but I kept my composure. "To whom?" Sam managed to stutter out. "Your brother, obviously. He was going to tell you but I guess he chickened out." I gave him a smile and flounced off with a satisfying "DEAN!" yelled behind me.

Dean came running up the hallway and I stopped him. "I'll come with you." I muttered. "For moral support or to laugh?" "Both." I confessed with a grin. We went back the way I had come and found Sam still at the table but now standing, his chair off to the side. "Yeah?" Dean asked playing it cool. I followed at a distance. "When were you going to tell me you had proposed to our closest friend?" Dean sucked in a breath and gave Sam a guilty look. "I dunno, maybe when you were in a better mood?" he suggested. Sam rolled his eyes and I moved a bit closer just in case I was needed in separating the boys. Sam glared at Dean so I went to him first. "Dean and I decided it would be best to tell you now, and not immediately after it happened." "Which was when?" I looked to Dean who nodded. "When I first woke up, when I slapped you." I reminded him. "Two weeks ago? That's a bit of a waiting period!" I rolled my eyes and walked over to Dean, our fingers intertwining under the table as we sat to talk. 

"Sam...we didn't want to tell you because we knew this would happen. You're overreacting." Sam pulled his classic bitchface, and I just stared him down. "Overreacting?" he asked with a tilt of his head. Dean gave him a look and he sat back into his chair. "Sammy, we were going to tell you. We just didn't know when would be the right time." Sam nodded, still pouting and not responding. "I give up boys. Just don't kill each other okay?" I stood up and walked out, the boys continuing to argue behind me. I got halfway down the hall before my head nearly exploded from a sudden burst of pain. "MAEVE! LISTEN TO ME!" Behemoth's voice boomed in my head. I felt myself sinking to the floor with my hands covering my ears, but I couldn't see. My vision was going blurry and all that was left was a screaming voice. "YOU'RE NOT SAFE, GET HELP!!!" The same message over and over again. Then everything went black. 

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