Who's Meg?

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Ten days took forever. Crowley was probably suspicious, because I wasn't doing the whole "before I die I have to" thing that Dean had done. We went on a hunt and had a movie night. Ten days after seeing Crowley we all sat holding our breath in Bobby's living room. If a hellhound came knocking I was screwed. I counted the seconds to the exact moment. And nothing happened. I looked around, and saw nothing. No giant shimmering dog. I chuckled quietly and Dean and Sam both hugged me, well toppled on me is the right word. I fell back into the couch laughing and Bobby actually picked me up and gave me a relieved smile followed by a tight embrace. Everything was broken apart by a cough in the doorway. "Mind explaining what's going on? Why my hellhound hasn't found you yet?" I shook my head and was shoved in between Sam and Dean, both of whom stood ready to protect me.

"You got cheated, that's all." Dean said, and Crowley glared at me. "You little maggot." Behemoth was fighting to get out and speak, but I held him back. "I'm the maggot?! Me? That's rich!" he kept ranting in my head. "Would you like to discuss this with me in a more comfortable place?" Crowley demanded, and I was in one of his torture chambers in Hell. A young woman with light brown hair and dark eyes lay tied (topless) to the table. For a moment I thought it was that bitch Ruby, but she should have been dead. "Who's this?" I asked, looking down at her. She laughed and looked up at Crowley. "This," he said cutting her arm, "is Meg. A Lucifer loyalist." I stared into her eyes and hoped my pity was conveyed in the stares I cast her way when I could. "Why bring me here?" "Every time you answer something incorrectly I cut her. Understood?" I nodded, relieved that the punishment wasn't worse.

After an hour of interrogation, Meg had only received three new cuts and Crowley left to get a sharper knife. I untied her and pulled off my sweater, pulling it over her head. "What are you doing?" she asked, her voice had a drone to it, like she was bored with being tortured. "I'm taking you to a place where you can hopefully heal." I beamed my thoughts up to heaven, someone would hear me. "Hello? I'm Maeve and I'm stuck in hell. I need a lift to Earth." I looked up and light began to pour down on us. "Close your eyes Meg." She held tight to me and shut her eyes. I opened mine to find we were in Bobby's house once again. "Maeve?" "Meg, you can open your eyes." I looked around and found Dean, Sam and Bobby staring at me in shock. "What?" "That's Meg, she's a demon. She's responsible for Ellen and Jo's deaths." I looked at her now, drained and depleted. "She'll atone for that later, right now she needs to heal."

I took care of her, only taking short breaks to let Sam watch her while I ate something or prepared some medicine for her. After a while Dean began staying too, mainly to watch out for me. Once, when he went to get more bandages, Meg spoke. "Are you Dean's unicorn?" I looked at her, puzzlement must have been as clear on my face as day. "I mean, does he love you?" I looked to the stairs and shrugged. I didn't know, I knew he liked me but did he love me? I considered this, then went back to dabbing her wounds with a wet cloth. "Yes, I think so. What about you? Do you have a unicorn?" "No, but maybe someday." I nodded and turned away as Dean came back with more bandages. "Thanks." I muttered as I took them gratefully.

After two days, I was done and Meg was quickly on the mend. She wouldn't leave me alone, she wanted to see something. Finally, I thought I got her off my back. I sat in the living room with Dean. He read to me quietly, an old lore book from Bobby's collection. I didn't know why, but he insisted. Crowley had tried popping by, but our protection wasn't going down easily, and Dean made sure I knew every symbol that we had used. Finally I closed the book and looked up at him. "I wish it was all simple again. All we had to do was hunt. There were no angels, no demons, no angel-demon war. We hunted Wendigo and vamps." He smiled, but it wasn't a good smile, it was a smile that remembered. I leaned forward, hoping that I could do something to cheer him up. "I know what you did to Sammy's laptop." I muttered and he burst out laughing. "How could you possibly know that?" "Let's just say I do. Why?" He couldn't stop laughing, and finally when he did he caught me off guard.

He kissed me, but this wasn't like his normal kiss. This was gentle, kind and lasting. He took his time before pulling away and there was a squeal from the door when he did. "I knew it!" Meg stood in the door frame, jumping up and down like a child at Christmas. I sighed and fell back into the couch. Dean did the same, but I guess it made things easier. If a demon was okay with me having a boyfriend, then I guess I was okay with it too.

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