Another one

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I sat bolt upright in a brightly lit room. "Maeve!" Cas' voice. "Cas? What?" The lights almost blinded me, and a high-pitched ringing filled my head making it unbearable to even stand there. "I brought you here to heal. The boys found you in the hallway screaming, they asked me to take care of you." I nodded, registering that I understood him. "Cas...take me back to Earth, this isn't doing much for my condition." He touched my forehead, his fingers felt like ice. When I opened my eyes we were in an abandoned park. "This is the backdoor to heaven." He muttered as I slowly stood up. "What was that?" "Heaven, it doesn't want you there, or rather Behemoth." I nodded and leaned against the play structure. "I don't know what he was trying to protect me from, but now he's stopped." "Because I got in..." a female voice that wasn't Behemoth's echoed in my head. "Shut up, I'm sorry Maeve I tried." Behemoth's voice was almost soothing. "What?" "Leviathan. She's been looking for a host since the battle." "And now I have one..." Leviathan's voice bounced around my head too.

"Cas...they're both in me." "Who?" "Leviathan, and Behemoth." Cas' eyes grew wide. "Maeve, that's not possible. Everyone who's tried has spontaneously combusted." I didn't have proper control...I hadn't lived with Leviathan for most of my life. So when my mind was taken over I could do nothing. "Ah, but she didn't try. I did, so that means that she doesn't meet the requirements of a normal host. She can contain the both of us and will until she learns control." Then I was back in control. "Cas, what's happening to me?" The same question I had asked all those years ago when Behemoth had first come into my mind. "Maeve, remember what I taught you about control." "Ignore the voices, shut them out." I finished for him. So I tried. "I can't Cas, it's not working." "Leviathan has spent many years in Purgatory, perhaps that is the best place for her." "You're sending me to Purgatory?" "No, and I can't open a gate there either. But there is someone who can." I looked up at him. "Who?" "My father, God."

Trying to walk around with one voice in my head was hard enough. Having another was that much more difficult, and when they were both arguing all I could do was press my hands to my ears and focus on something else. Cas held me close to keep me up as we walked down a road somewhere in downtown New York, he had sensed his father nearby and I hoped he was right. Suddenly my phone rang and I attempted to answer it. Instead Cas ripped it out of my hand and answered it. "Dean, she's in a delicate position. You can't talk right now. I'll bring her there when she's better." Then he hung up the phone and shoved it into my pocket. "I wanted to talk to him." "You don't have the strength or capability." I looked at him and realized he was right. Dean would talk for a long time and it hurt to barely utter a few words. "Here, end of the street." He knocked on an old door that looked rusted out and falling apart. Then I realized it was glamoured. Covered by a small spell. It was actually a safe door made of stainless steel. The handle turned and a young man stepped out, letting us in.

Chuck Shurley sat at a desk in front of a bright computer screen. It probably wasn't that bright but it blinded me. "Father. Father!" Cas raised his voice as we entered the room. "Castiel, what brings you here?" "You know." "Maeve Amanda Drake. Little head problem?" I growled at him. I hated that God was being sarcastic and making fun of me. I had almost killed him, so he shouldn't mess with me. "Screw you." I spat out. "I was just finishing up the next chapter of the Winchester's gospel. It has you in it you know." "Should I care?" "It holds the future." "I don't want to know the future. You keep it to yourself. Just get her out of my head." Something dark crossed my vision and I opened my eyes to see God squatting in front of me. "Why should I do that? You tried to kill me." "Because. It wasn't my choice. You act like I wanted any of this, you chose me." He nodded and placed a hand on my forehead and I closed my eyes. "No! You traitorous girl!"

I woke up back in the bunker. Dean's worried face hovered over me and Sam's concerned face was just in the corner of my vision. "Dean...." He hushed my complaints and pushes me down into the bed. "You need to rest. Cas told us what happened, so you're going to keep low and safe." I groaned and rolled over. "I can't Dean. If you lock me up I'll go insane." Sam sat on the bed and helped me sit up. "Maeve, this is for your own good. One week here and then we'll see." "Leviathan got to me in here!" I yelled, angry with being punished for something I had no control over. Why did all the shitty stuff seem to happen to me? "And apparently now she's locked back up in Purgatory. So we want you to rest up and heal then you can come out with us okay?" I nodded when I came to the realization that I could have this place to myself for a while. I agreed and they left the next day.


I was looking through the bookshelves for something interesting to read while the stereo I had snuck out and bought blasted Fall Out Boy. I finally found something interesting on Deities throughout the centuries when one of my favourite songs came on and I immediately put the book down.

"Am I more than you bargained for yet

I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear

Cause that's just who I am this week

Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum

I'm just a notch in your bedpost

But you're just a line in a song

Drop a heart, break a name

We're always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team

We're going down, down in an earlier round

And Sugar, we're going down swinging

I'll be your number one with a bullet

A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it..."

Before the song could continue my phone rang and I quickly paused the music. "Dean?" "Hey Maeve? Ready to be free? Turns out we could use some help." I grinned. "Sure what do you need?" "Can you come to Area 51? We've got ourselves in a bit deep here." "I'll be right there." I shut off the phone and grabbed my prepacked duffel bag. "Cas? I could do with a lift." And I was whisked off to Nevada.

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