"Not on my Watch"

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Two days, and still nothing. Maeve still lay there, her chest rising and falling at a steady pace and the slow beat of her heart were all we had to tell she was alive. It was my shift, I had the night watch. I drank a beer, watching her peaceful slumber. I don't know why I talked to her, it was just an easy way to vent. "You know, sometimes I wonder what my life would be if I hadn't met you. I probably wouldn't care if someone just got in my way, people would probably become collateral damage. You taught me that we can be different, and not everyone who's different is a monster." I sighed and took another sip of my beer, then I set it down and took her hand in mine. "If you can hear me, squeeze my hand. Please, I need to know I'm not alone."

Nothing happened. I sighed and was placing her hand back when her fingers curled around mine and clasped my hand as gently as possible. "Maeve? Come back to me, I need to see your smile. I need to hear your voice again." I kissed her hand gently and bowed my head in silent prayer. "Like this?" a light voice barely croaked out the words. I looked up, Maeve's eyes were flickering open. "Tell me this isn't a dream." "It's not." She smiled and tried to sit up. But she fell back, too weak to get herself up on her own. I straightened the pillows and helped her up. I grabbed the small plate of food I had sitting there for her. She shook her head when she saw the plate. "Not hungry, death takes away all those worries." "You weren't dying, not on my watch." I said, trying to not cry or be over emotional. "I'll be right back, I promise."

I walked into the hallway and over to Sam's room. I knocked on the door and woke him up. "She's awake!" I quickly told him. "What?" "Get Jo and Ellen, come back here." Sam nodded and rushed off to get the girls. I went back and found Maeve reaching for the small glass of water that sat on the bedside table. I smirked as she nearly knocked it off the table, then I grabbed it and helped her take a sip. "I can get up Dean." "No you can't, you've been out of it for two days." Her expression conveyed both worry for us and relief for being alive. I touched the ring at her neck, and she looked up into my eyes. "We'll talk later." she muttered and I nodded. Ellen and Jo along with Sam burst into the room.

After an hour of chatter and relief, Maeve said she was exhausted and needed rest. The other three went back to their rooms, and I was left alone with Maeve. "You need sleep." "That was a ruse, we need to talk." I cleared my throat. "Look Maeve, if you could hear everything I said then you know how I feel." She nodded and once again fingered the ring around her neck. "I told you this ring was your heart....was I right?" I nodded and her face relaxed in the slightest way possible. "Dean...I'm not good with commitment either, but somehow I can place all my trust in you. I don't know how or why but I just can. And I don't want this to end." I thought back to the night I gave the ring to her. She had looked so shocked that I would show any deep, hidden part of myself that she had almost been struck speechless.

"What does this mean Dean? This feeling that I have." I shook my head, unsure of the answer. "I think it means that after almost three years of knowingly loving each other, we need to take another step forward." She smiled and I sat next to her on the bed. "So...I don't know what you'll think of this but, here it goes. Maeve Amanda Drake...will you become Maeve Amanda Winchester and marry me? Because I can't spend another day without you, and I know we will alway have our ups and downs. But no matter what I will love you." And once again, Maeve Amanda Drake was struck speechless. We sat there for a moment in silence, until she finally looked me in the eyes and uttered a single word. 


When she said it, she smiled and tears fell lightly down her cheeks. "I don't have a ring, I think it would be too dangerous if we have physical proof of marriage." She brushed a finger against her necklace. "This is enough." she muttered, and after that there was really only one thing left to do, seal the deal with a kiss. This was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, unlike Lisa or any other woman I'd ever known. This was passion, love, undying trust and feelings that could never be buried. Neither of us wanted to pull apart, and when we were forced to it was for less than a second to simply catch our breath. I fell into my girlfriend, no, my fiancee's embrace and we both fell back into the soft, memory foam, mattress.


I was woken by a scoff mixed with a chuckle coming from the doorway. I opened my eyes to find myself tangled in sheets with Maeve in a similar predicament next to me, her head on my one arm. She wore a light t-shirt and her hair fell around her face perfectly. My other arm had been wrapped around her waist but was now trying to find who else was there. It was Sam in the doorway. "Unbelievable Dean." he said. "Not what you think." "Oh really?" Maeve woke up groggily at that moment. "Hey Dean." "Hey Babe." I liked calling her that, and she didn't complain either. "Sam what the hell?!" she yelled with an edge to her voice. "I could ask you the same question." Sam retorted back. "He doesn't know, go easy on him." I muttered. She smiled and kissed me once more before pulling her bottoms on and stumbling to the door to slap Sam then continue to need the walls to the kitchen. Sam gave me a look and I shrugged. What was wrong with a bit of privacy?

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