How Long Can Love last?

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Four human years, 480 years in hell. That's what happened to me. Torture, over and over again. My skin sometimes almost peeled off my bones, and other days they enjoyed tearing at the inside. And everyday Crowley came up and asked, "Well Maeve? Will you fight, or stay another day?" Everyday I told him the same, "Shove that offer up your ass, Crowley. I'm not fighting for anyone." He would nod and give me one last stab or slap before sending me off to my room to tend to the wounds that I could deal with. After that I would sing or play piano to relax and sleep for an hour before I was woken by my torturers. And that was how it had went until one day, exactly 360 years in, when someone threw them off of me and carried my half conscious body to my room. I closed my eyes and pulled close to whomever was my rescuer. 

"It's okay Maeve." I straightened and looked up. It was Dean...well but it wasn't. Something was off about him. "Dean, what the hell happened to you?" He showed me his arm, which held something I clearly recognized for some reason. Behemoth yelled at me to get away. "The Mark of Cain," I muttered, " no no!" I pulled away, struggling to run. "Maeve!" "Get away you fucking knight of hell!" "No Maeve!" "I know what it does!" He smiled and his eyes flashed black. "Crowley sent you here." "How could you tell?" "He wanted to torture me some other way, he must be getting bored of the near death bleeding." Dean shrugged and I continued to shuffle across the floor. I found myself against the piano, I had left it open. Glancing up, I memorized the new sheet music I had been learning and jumped onto the bench. I hoped my power was stored up enough to do this. I played and Dean fell to the floor, knocked out unfortunately, not dead like the spell was supposed to work.

I cuffed him to my bed and waited. I had drawn a devil's trap of the floor in blood, so he was stuck for the moment. I stared at his was my Dean. But I couldn't trust him, he was a knight of hell. He stirred and I reached for the salt I had stolen from the torture table, they would rub it in the fresh whip marks. Sitting up, he growled at the realization that he was trapped. "Well Maeve, how do you do it?" "What?" "Survive the torture, I didn't last thirty years." "By having something to live for. Until now that was, my dream is to see my family once more." Dean looked into my face. "You still love me? Even though I'm like this?" I swallowed, hating how he could see into my soul. "If I let you out....don't come back unless from some miracle you become my Dean again." "Maeve..." "Go!" I broke the trap and he left, leaving handcuffs on my bedpost and a broken devil's trap.


"Love...I thought I had it. God, if you still exist send my angel to get me out. He should have come long ago, I don't know why he hasn't come. But back to the topic of love, how does it last when what you love have become a demon? How do I still love him? I've been here for...48 human months, 4 years on Earth, 480 years down here. I pray to you every fucking night and you send nothing. Am I supposed to just, die? Because I'm ready to." I turned from my prayer to hear a loud crash. I hadn't even been alone for thirty minutes and blood covered the floor from my open gashes I hadn't bothered healing. I turned back to looking at the ceiling. "So, I'm sorry but you haven't done much for me. I'm just giving up today. Unless some kind of miracle happens and I'm brought out of hell tonight...." I felt light headed, probably from blood loss, "I'm giving up, I'm accepting death as a welcome friend."

I fell back into the warm puddle of blood flowing slowly around me and fell into a swirling form of consciousness. I remembered the few times Dean kept coming back due to Crowley's orders. We had grown somewhat closer...I played for him and he just sat there smiling. After a while he would leave and I would cry until the next morning. We had a secret language, something simple so I could explain my turmoil to him and he could almost give a shit. But then he stopped coming, and the torture didn't. I had waited, hoping for a miracle. Love was foolish, it was harsh and it brought pain. But it also brought joy. I still didn't understand how, but in that moment I realized I didn't need to understand. I could just...enjoy. And that was when I heard another bang, the bang of my door. " aren't due back for two hours." I said weakly...knowing that it could only be the guards. I felt strong arms pick me up and carry me out, blood running down my raggedly torn open back, sides and chest.

I was laid down on a table and I felt a huge cloth pulling my back together, odd. Why were they helping me? I let them, and I felt the same strong arms around me, and one line of the conversation. "Cas! Get her out of here now!" That decided it, I was hallucinating. I let whatever was happening happen and felt someone else holding me. "It's okay Maeve. We're rescuing you." Castiel's voice echoed in my head. "Would you like me to take over?" Behemoth offered. I refused. "I...I need to believe right now." I told him, my voice growing weaker. He silently left me to my dying thoughts. "Maeve! Stay with me!" Cas' voice sounded more urgent. "This is going to hurt." he said, but all I felt was a sting. Something soft and heavy was around me, warm and delightful. "Sleep Maeve, when you wake up. Everything will have changed." 

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