Anger and Fears

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I sat in a dark corner. A man stood over me, a knife being sharpened in his hand. I realized that I wasn't truly sitting, I was chained to the floor and gagged. I made an attempt to spit the gag out of my mouth but it was wrapped too tightly around my head. The man chuckled as I struggled. "Welcome back Maeve, long time no see. Now, come here into the light." The chains on my legs and arms fell away and I staggered into the light. My eyes hurt and it took a minute to adjust, but when I looked at the man I fell back, attempting to go back to the darkness. "Not so fast, darling." The last word was filled with so much sarcasm, I could feel it dripping out of his mouth. I finally worked the gag out of my mouth and turned to face my captor. "Get away from me you pathetic bastard!" "The beast has teeth!" he cackled with glee as I tried to pull away, and he put the knife to my neck. "Maeve, didn't you learn from when you were young? You can't beat me..." I pushed his arm away and slowly turned to face my father.

"I always beat you, I held on. That is winning." He laughed again and brought the knife back to my neck. "Do it, God knows I wanted you to when I was five. Or maybe when I was six. But then again..." I pushed his neck in a particular place that I knew made everyone pull away. When he did I spun and ran back to the darkness. The chains grabbed at my feet and pulled me back to the spot they wanted me. "What are you?" "I'm your fear, you won't come back and face me because you know what will happen. You'll ruin my perfectly happy life, and then we'll meet here. You keep running because I'm still chasing, and I won't stop hunting you." He took the knife in his hand and cut my arm. I winced, but didn't let him see the pain in my face. "Maeve....Maeve, Maeve." His voice kept echoing everywhere, but it all disappeared and I shot up in bed, Dean shaking my shoulders and muttering my name. "Maeve?" I nodded and turned away, getting out of the bed only to collapse to the floor.

I looked at my legs, they were bruised with marks where the chains in my dreams would have been. I was convinced, it wasn't fully a dream. Dean picked me up and held me close as I regained a bit of my strength. That was the fifth nightmare that week, and Dean asked me once again. "Maeve, will you tell me? I can help you." But I just shook my head, stood up and stumbled to the bathroom where I locked myself inside and finally broke. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I drew myself a bath. I got lost in my thoughts and the steamy water, but then the image of the knife flashed behind my eyes and I sat up, water splashing out of the tub. "Son of a..." I picked up a towel and dropped it on the puddle then finished quickly.

When I walked out I was dressed in black skinny jeans with an old black veil brides t-shirt. I tugged on my boots and threw by hair back into a ponytail. As I laced my boots up, Dean came in and saw me. "You look better." "I feel better." "You ready to talk? You were screaming as you slept, you're not okay." I nodded and rubbed my arms. "It's hard to say, I don't know what you want me to say." Sam came in at that moment with an odd look in his eyes. "Sammy, what is it?" "It's Sam, and there's a..." The door banged behind him, "Djinn. We don't have lamb's blood handy right now either." "Time to pray." I muttered. I looked up to the sky and called out. "Cas!" When nothing happened I sighed and looked around, something would have to work.

"Cas! Come on, lamb's blood please!" A flap of wings and the swish of a trench-coat alerted me to the angel's presence. "Here!" We all grabbed a knife and dipped it in the blood. Even Cas grabbed one. I had never seen Cas with a blade, or fighting like this. Sam stepped away from the door and we took up our positions around the room. The door was blown off it's hinges and the tattooed creature stalked in. It was closest to me, but I knew if I acted too quickly I would be in trouble. It's hands glowed with the familiar blue, and I didn't want to get touched. Finally I jumped out and stabbed it but it jerked away and I lost my grip on the knife. So close, but no one could move without being seen. Time for powers, hoping they worked. I focused on the knife, on moving and twisting it down into the Djinn, but it wasn't working. Cas jumped out and made the final move, but not before it's hand brushed my side as it died.

Dean and Sam appeared from their spots, and I tried to get up but when I looked at my legs they were chained to the floor once again. My arms were also bound to the floor and I looked up to Dean. Sam came over and pulled me up. I looked at my hands to see that the chains had disappeared. "What? But I was..." Sam sat me on the bed and the boys gathered around. Cas touched my head and looked deeply into my eyes. "What did you dream last night Maeve?" "It doesn't matter, because I know how to stop it. I have to go home and talk to my father."


I sat in the impala with Dean and Sam in the front seat. We were parked outside my house, and I could see my step-brother in the window talking to my stepmother. He was eighteen, and there was another young girl who must be my step-sister. Dean turned to me, "You ready?" I nodded and let out the breath I had been holding. "You're coming with me?" They both nodded and I opened the door. They followed in suit and we walked up to the door. I rang the doorbell and I heard the patter of children's footsteps. The door was opened by a woman, but not my stepmother. I gasped when I realized who it was. "Wren?" "Who are you? And how do you know my name?" I sighed and pulled out a pendant she had given me sixteen years ago. "Maeve? Oh my God Maeve!" she screamed and hugged me. She stepped back and took in Dean and Sam. "Oh, this is Sam and Dean. They're friends." 

She nodded, but gave that look that said just friends? I gave her a look back that read I'll explain later. "Dad! Someone here you'll want to see." she shouted as she led me into the house, and into the living room. I sat in the middle of the couch with Dean and Sam on either side. Sam had begun to become a bit more protective of me, like a little sister. Wren sat across from me and the whole family filed in and sat facing our small group. I sucked in a breath when my father entered the room, but I didn't feel the fear that I expected. Wren smiled and nodded at me and I exhaled slowly. "What is it Wren? I was working on something." My father said impatiently. He looked over at me, then at Sam and Dean. I still wore the black jeans and boots, but I wore a plain grey shirt with my jean jacket. My hair framed my face, and I gazed coldly back at him. "Dad, well everyone really, Maeve has come home."

If my father was upset before, I don't know how to explain his reaction to the discovery of my identity. It was....denial. "Maeve is dead, she was seven. She couldn't have survived." Dean was ready to make a move but I held him back. Sam was being a bit more patient, but I saw the movement in his jaw that signaled he wasn't happy either. I sat back and looked at my stepmother. My brother walked over to me and touched my cheek softly. "Hello William, I missed you." He smiled and I gave him a hug. I looked at the little boy on the rug, my nephew I assumed, judging by Wren's husband's look. We shook hands, and the little boy gave me a toothless grin. My stepmother stood up and walked over to me. "I....I never meant for it to get out of hand." That made me angry, but this is what I was supposed to do. Forgive. "I understand, you all think that if you don't understand it you have to prod it with a stick, or a belt. But it's okay, I'm here to forgive."

My father walked over to me, and hit me across the face. I felt a trickle of blood from my mouth and stood up, ready for the next attack. What happened was unexpected. Cas appeared behind my father, spun him around and punched him. He fell to the floor and I looked up at Cas. "What the hell Cas?" Dean and I said in sync. "I saved his life. Maeve, the archangel; none shall lay a hand on or draw blood from Behemoth or the archangel Cecitiel shall smite the man who does." I sighed and turned to Sam and Dean. "Archangel? Really?" I nodded, and the rest of my family was simply staring at Cas. "How long?" "I can give you five minutes." I nodded and turned to my family.

"I just needed to see you once before it all starts. I needed your strength, and your forgiveness. And," I knelt next to my father who was starting to come to, "I forgive you all. Remember that, but forget me. Live on without me, and don't come after me. I am a danger to you all. I'm," I took a long breath, "I'm not human. Trust me, I'm not the Maeve you remember. Wren, live your life. Will, respect our parents. Mum, respect your children. And let Dad know," I paused as Sam, Dean and Cas walked out the door, "that Maeve Amanda Drake stopped by and forgave him." Then I walked out the front door and climbed into the impala, and we drove away into the vast sunset.

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