Streaking Lights

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I reached around to tap Dean on the shoulder, only to realize how drunk he truly was. I sighed and looked to Sam who was also still drinking. I felt for the knife in my jacket and tapped the hilt. When the demon aimed to strike I pulled it out and struck him in the side. Twenty heads snapped to look at us and I sighed, I knew it was too good to be true. I gripped the knife tight and heard the bartender ask me to put it down. I whipped around and grabbed my flask of holy water, quickly dousing her. She was clean, so I turned to the group. Sam was still with me, Dean was lost in his drunken state. "Sam, you with me?" No response, he was out. I nodded to myself, alone against twenty demons. It's been worse. I pulled out my gun and fired three shots into the ceiling.

"Everybody down if you want to live, except for those of you who know not to." Everyone hit the deck except for the demons. "Twenty to one, will you make it?" The lead demon taunted. I smiled, and blasted them back against the walls. They all tried to smoke out, but I decided to try something. I said an exorcism backwards, forcing them in. Then I walked around to all of them and slit their throats open. After each died with the fizzing electric glow I turned back to the bar to see Sam standing up. "Let's get Dean and go." I muttered and we turned to see the others standing up from their initial shock. "Sammy, you go with Dean. I'll see you in the car." He nodded and stumbled with a mumbling Dean gripping on to him just to stand up. When they were out of earshot I turned to the group of people advancing on me.

I didn't even pick the song I was about to sing. Apparently, according to Behemoth, it was "Forget you". Cute, but not my style. When I walked out of the bar no one remembered us being there, and the security tapes had been wiped. I hopped in the impala and drove us back to the motel. Seeing as I was the only one not completely drunk. When we got back I helped Sam into bed, then went out to get Dean. I found him lying on the pavement trying to stand up. "Come on Dopey, let's get you to bed." "Maeve," he muttered, "stay with me tonight. I," he paused for a moment, "I need you. I probably wouldn't say all this if you weren't so drunk but you won't remember soooooo. Yeah, I rely on you, and I don't want you to run again..." he trailed off by tripping over nothing. When I got him into the room I gave him time.


He didn't settle for another three hours, in which I had gotten changed and cleaned all the weapons in the arsenal the impala stored. When he did, he ran to the bathroom and I heard him hurling up his stomach contents. "Yep, why I don't go to bars." I muttered as he finished. He wasn't much better, but he didn't come out of the bathroom for fifteen minutes. When he did, he was topless and very, very unstable. I helped him to bed, and as I turned to sit for a whole night he grabbed my wrist. "No....stay with me. We'll be safe for now." He wouldn't let go, it was annoying. So reluctantly I climbed into bed and lay next to him, letting him run his fingers through my hair. I had to admit, it wasn't too bad, and I couldn't be too mad at him for getting drunk. "Come on Dean we have to sleep too, I mean..." I didn't know what was happening, just that there was a crashing sensation going through my body.

He was kissing me, more passionately than he had ever kissed me. When we broke apart, he looked at me and smiled. "Don't tell me..." My turn. I pulled him down and taunted him. A chaste kiss, nothing much. The grin he gave me melted my heart, and he took control. Passions fused together, however it didn't last. Dean passed out half an hour later, or maybe that's when I did. But I woke to streaking lights over my vision. Sam opening the blinds. I opened my eyes with a groan to Sam's chuckling. I looked around, the sheets were tangled around me, but Dean was missing. I realized that Sam still didn't know, and Dean wouldn't remember. "What's so funny?" "My brother." "Hmmm very funny." I muttered sarcastically. "I saved your asses last night, how about some thanks?" Sam nodded and I fell back against the pillows. But it didn't last. I couldn't sleep, too many thoughts ran through my head.

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