A Battle to Remember

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Maeve's POV:

I woke up in the bunker, the conversation Behemoth had with Leviathan still fresh in my mind. If we had been allowed to meet then I knew it was time. I stood up and went for a glass of water, not bothering to look for the boys. When I took a sip, Leviathan's voice spoke in my head; "Meet in the battlefield where Michael and Lucifer fought. It's happening tonight." I sighed and put down the water, going to Dean's bedroom to pack my bag. He wasn't there, so I quickly filled my pack and went back to the garage. I jumped on the motorbike and started it up, driving off to a field that had only been spoken of in faint whispers. Where Sam had jumped in the box; Stull Cemetery, Lawrence Kansas.

I arrived to see Leviathan standing there. Jo and Ellen stood in one area, Dean and Sam in the other. "Maeve! No!" Dean shouted from across the way. I walked to the middle of the empty space, passing Ellen and Jo as I went. "It's okay, everything's going according to plan." I muttered. I faced Leviathan. "You brought it?" "As long as you brought yours." Leviathan twirled a blade, and I watched as her host's eyes turned completely purple. I pulled Behemoth forward into my mind and let him in. "Now we act as one." I said in my mind and our thoughts melded and we became one person.

"What do my eyes look like?" "They're pure gold." Leviathan responded, and I drew my blade. We both had one blade, and only the others blade could kill us. "Do I actually have to try?" Leviathan smiled and nodded. I leaped forward and the clang of metal on metal rang out. We fought back and forth, both using our powers and weapons. "You fight like a man." I muttered. "Funny, I was going to say that you fight like a woman." Leviathan answered sharply. We had to put effort into our act, they couldn't know that I planned to die no matter what.

We fought for what felt like hours, and finally I gave Leviathan the signal. She nodded and thrust her hand at me, throwing the sword out of my hand. Then she jumped up and drove her blade down into my chest. I fell back on the ground, blood filling my mouth. "Keep...the plan.....going." I muttered, and I fell back against the earth. I knew I would bleed out slowly, it would take me a while to die. Then he appeared. God, in the form of the prophet Chuck. I nodded the best I could and Leviathan stabbed at God. The blade struck him in the side and he fell to the ground, injured. I reached out my hand and with my final ounce of strength I grabbed my sword and stabbed him in the other side of his chest.

We were fulfilling the destiny written. Somehow God would survive, I didn't want to know how. But our revenge was done. He wouldn't heal anytime soon. Leviathan gave me a relieved look and melted into water that disappeared into the Earth. I fell back, the blood warm against my fingers that lay on my chest. I was just Maeve again, Behemoth had retreated back into my head once again. The others all ran over, Dean and Sam got there first. Dean cradled my head and cried softly. "Where.....were you? Why....d..did....you...come...back....a..a...all....bloody?" I barely got out. 

Dean shushed me softly and with my free hand that wasn't being clutched by Jo, I touched the ring at my neck. "Remember.....this....is.....your....he..art." I muttered. He nodded, clutching my hand that held tight to the ring. "I will always remember Maeve. Just...stay with me. I can't lose you too, don't leave me too." I smiled. "Idiot," I croaked out, blood continuing to fill my mouth, "t...tab....tablet." Then I was lost to the light and warmth that surrounded me.

Dean's POV:

"NO!!!!" I yelled as Maeve's hand went still, her laboured breath stilled, and the blood stopped flowing. I turned to Chuck, no God. But he was gone. I was going over Maeve's last few words. "Remember this is your heart. Idiot, tablet." I thought back to what she had translated, a lot of crap but one line stuck out. "The Lord their God shall smile on them and give them their heart's truest desires. And they will be pleased." "Damn son of a bitch!" We covered the cut and buttoned up her coat over it, then wrapped her in a large sheet and put her in the back of the impala. Sam, Ellen, and Jo went with her in the impala, I took the motorbike back. I needed the time to myself.

Sam took her into the bunker and lay her on our bed. Taking the sheet off, Jo spread out her hair neatly across the pillow and sat next to her. She was in shock, that much was clear. Ellen sat next to her and rubbed her shoulders, trying to get her to calm down. All she could do was gasp with empty sobs and look at her friend. Sam sat with his head in his hands, and once in a while he would grasp her hand. I couldn't take it, so I walked down the hallway. I don't know why, but I just kicked at one of the doors. Eventually I fell to the floor, silent sobs reaching me too. 

Maeve was one of the few people who kept me sane. Even when Sam and I fought, it was nothing compared to when she was angry with me. I could open up to her, I trusted her. The one thing that stuck with me was my last action towards her. I had come home, covered in the blood of that nearby vampire that I had been tailing for ages, and I had ignored her protests. I had shrugged her off, gotten a drink and then locked myself in our bedroom, where her body now lay. Sam came out into the hallway, and found me on the ground. He helped me up, but I brushed him off. "I called Cas." he muttered, and I nodded. I walked back to my room and found Cas standing over Maeve. "Cas, can you call your father?" He gave me a confused look and I sighed, frustrated.

"Call God, tell him I'm ready." "Dean, you don't need to ask my son. You did it yourself. I needed proof of your intentions." I was pissed off now. "Well are you satisfied you dick? You needed proof? How about the fact that I haven't survived the past day without her?" After I had come back from the vamp, I had tried to find her but she was gone and I sat around thinking of nothing but what could have happened. And when we tried to search we got zapped to the cemetery. God looked at Maeve. I stood up and walked over to him. He still had the two deep cuts in his side and looked drained of strength. "You can give me my heart's truest desire, right?" I demanded. Chuck nodded and I turned to the body that everyone else was crowded around and silently crying over. "Bring her back." I said, anger hardening my voice. "Undo her jacket." God commanded, and Jo did as he said.

Chuck sighed and snapped his fingers. The gash in her chest closed, but she didn't wake up. I ran over and listened for a moment. Her chest rose and fell the slightest bit. She was alive. I turned to find God was gone, and so was Cas. Sam looked at me, and I nodded. I gently shook her, trying to wake her up. "Maeve? Wake up, please." Jo looked at me. "She's alive, but she's not waking up." She nodded and looked to the others. "We need to keep someone here with her at all times, for whenever she wakes up. She'll need someone there to calm her down." We all nodded and Sam claimed first shift. I went and made everyone a small plate of snacks and stuff, but we were all just waiting. Waiting for Maeve to wake up and be okay once again.

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