The First Meeting

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I was having the time of my life. I crept through dirty hallways, following the sound of shuffling footsteps. I just had to hope that this spirit wasn't smart and was tricking me. They liked doing that. I checked behind me to make sure no creepy old woman was there. This was a nasty one, but they were better. More recently I had been dealing with a whole lot of possessions, I had chanted an exorcism so many times I had memorized it. A spirit was a nice change. I turned the corner and saw the spirit at the end of the hallway. My gun was already loaded with rock salt, and I moved swiftly down the hallway. I knew that this ghost stayed close to her remains, meaning that it was probably her body on the altar that she knelt at. I had salt and matches in my bag, but to get to her bones I had to get through her.

Suddenly my phone went off. I had sworn I had put it on silent, but my ringtone blasted out through the hall. The spirit whirled around and I shot her in the face. She disappeared and I quickly made a circle of salt around the altar that her body lay on. I turned to see her directly at the line, she was close. I quickly salted her body, then set it alight. She screamed and burned into a pile of...nothingness. My phone rang again and I pulled it out. The caller ID read "Bobby". I answered the call, wondering what he could be calling for when he knew I was on a hunt. "What Bobby? I almost died thanks to your last call!"

"Don't yell at me girl," his scolding was the worst, "I have some people here who need your help." I sighed and packed up my things. "Who is it?" "Sam and Dean Winchester."

I choked and laughed. "Good one Bobby, nobody, especially those boys, needs to know about me." I realized he wasn't joking a moment later. "You aren't kidding." "Nope." "Bobby, I thought we'd been over this." "Never mind, where are you?" "I'm in New Mexico, I'll just come to your house." The conversation ended quickly afterwards. I walked outside and threw my bag into the back of my car. It was a beautiful red colour, and I loved every inch of it. I pulled out of the lot and blasted music through the speakers. It would be a long drive.


I pulled up to the house and turned off my car. If it hadn't been for the coffee I had on the drive I would have passed out the moment I walked in. But either way, when I walked in Bobby was happy to see me. There were two men standing there, one in each corner. "Maeve, I want you to meet Sam and Dean Winchester." I looked them over, of the two Dean looked more angry. Sam looked upset. "What have the boys done this time? I'm getting tired of cleaning up their messes." Dean moved out of corner and walked towards me. "You're cleaning up our messes?" I nodded and watched his posture, the way he acted. I had heard that he could "read" people. That was my skill. He was hiding, burying emotions and events.

"What happened Bobby, if you called me then something happened that demons want to know about." "I did it. " I looked to the other corner to see Sam looking up from the floor to gaze at me. "What did you do?" "Don't listen to him..." "I started the apocalypse." I looked over at Bobby and sighed. ", no, no. Cas was supposed to stop you, or get Dean to."

"You know Cas?" "Like an older brother."

"Well, the angels wanted the apocalypse to happen. Not Cas, he rebelled to try and stop it." I cursed under my breath, but then turned back to Bobby. "I still don't see why you need me?" "They need your help, hunting down Satan." I looked at Sam. "You freed Lucifer?" He nodded and I pondered that for a moment. "And you're just a piece of work. I'll help, but this is only because Bobby asked, you don't know me and I don't want you to know." Dean and Sam nodded and Bobby smiled. "Thank you Maeve." I nodded and went back out to my car. "So where to?" Dean asked as he followed. "A nearby motel, then we can talk." I answered shortly as I climbed into my car and slammed the door shut. Sighing I started my car and drove off, looking in the mirror to make sure that the '67 impala wasn't too far off my tail.


We reached a motel and I went up to the front desk. "Two adjoined rooms." "Queens?" I nodded to the receptionist and went through the other mandated questions I had heard every time I checked in somewhere new. I waved in Sam and Dean and we went up to our rooms. I camped out in the nicer one, I needed the luxury. Dean came in and sat down on the other bed. "So, how good are you?" "I have a gun pointed at you right now but you won't find it." I answered flopping back on the bed and watching the ceiling. He nodded and turned to motion Sam in here. I just shook my head and waited for the question. "So...Maeve, how old are you?" "Twenty three." "How long have you been a hunter?" "Since I was seven." Dean made a noise of agreement. "Your parents raise you in it?" "They kicked me out when I was seven, I've been on my own ever since. Bobby found me, showed me this life." Sam looked at me, as though he saw what I knew that he didn't. "What are you?" he asked softly. I smiled and looked at him. "Question for another day. Now, don't we have a job?"

The Girl Hunter (a supernatural fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang